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The LYKN concert showcased each of the songs announced in the first round of Project Alpha, but Hong's "CHINA DOLLS/单眼皮女生" was a song I listened to a lot during my crazy youth while working on my "Youth With You 2" assignment, so personally being able to hear that song live was super exciting!…
LYKNコンサート、project alphaで初回で発表した各々の曲を披露してくれたけど、Hongの"CHINA DOLLS/单眼皮女生"は私の狂わせた青春有你2の課題曲でよく聞いてたから個人的にあの曲を生で聞けたことはめちゃアツかった…
The translation of the tweet text is: "Emily Claire King-Young🌺 Youth With You 2 Huang Yiming incident."
Happy BirthDay #AlphaKing🎉🎉 #爱尔法金 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 爱尔法金さんは25歳になります😘 #Happy_AlphaKing_day #HappyAlphaKingday #YouthWithYou3
Happy BirthDay #AlphaKing🎉🎉 #AlphaKing, happy birthday✨✨ AlphaKing is turning 25😘 #Happy_AlphaKing_day #HappyAlphaKingday #YouthWithYou3
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Alpha King