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"This is the same ring that the hunter used to propose to Chessmin."
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is seriously an interesting guy."
"I love the excitement of after school, and since I was a fan of Minami and Yonche in my second year, I'm really thrilled to see these two dance! 😊💕"
【Korean Article】 'Melodrama Movie' Choi Woo-shik ♥ Park Bo-young look like real lovers, excitement explodes in their two-shot. 「Melodrama Movie」 Choi Woo-shik ♥ Park Bo-young seem like true lovers.… #MelodramaMovie #ChoiWooShik #KimJaeWook
The tweet translates to: "As someone who loves Yongche and Boun during after-school excitement, it was only a matter of time before I encountered Yongji."
The translation of the Japanese tweet text is: "Chessmin is too much of a good-looking guy."
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is really an amazing guy, I'm grateful."
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is handsome. First of all, his inner self is handsome, and even the fingers he places on his mouth and his furrowed brows are handsome. Even the tips of his flowing hair are handsome. It's really amazing."
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is always cute, but her smile when she's shy is incredibly pretty~ so she's decided to be the next Pretty Cure!"
The tweet translates to: "Looking back at Chessmin during this time, doesn't he have way too little hair? He would definitely look good with a buzz cut. My great-grandmother used to say that a man who looks good with a buzz cut is a true handsome man."
The translation of the tweet is: "Please become a muscular Chessmin just like this."
"I thought they were wearing clothes like a chess-themed designer, but then I was amazed to see they were actually wearing a super cute and stylish shirt!"
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is really cool."
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin is going crazy because they keep getting the right answers!"
The tweet translates to: "Chessmin's actions are often too scary, but I can't help but like him because he always has the handsome face of a mochi chef."
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Choe Sumin