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"I have an endless list of things I want to watch, and I have the time to do it, but... 🈚️ - Sopan (to watch before the live) - Rotukin (the older version) - Creation Camp 2025 (haven't watched since halfway through) - Peak Time (only watched a little bit in real-time) - Fan Pick (the videos seem short, so I can probably watch them quickly) There are just too many things I want to watch, and I don't know where to start 😫"
見たい鯖番無限にあるし、プジェも見直したいしで時間あるのに🈚️ ソパン(ライブまでに見る) ロトゥキン(昔の方のやつ) 創造営2025(途中から見てない) ピークタイム(ほんの少しだけリアタイしてた) Fan pick(動画時間短そうだしすぐ見れそう) 見たいの多過ぎて何から手をつけていいのやら😫
Happy Birthday #FanZhener🎉🎉 Happy birthday, Mr. Fan Zhener✨✨ Mr. Fan Zhener is turning 28 years old😘… #Happy_FanZhener_day #HappyFanZhenerday #Chuang2021
Happy BirthDay #FanZhener🎉🎉 #范臻尔 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 范臻尔さんは28歳になります😘… #Happy_FanZhener_day #HappyFanZhenerday #Chuang2021
"From Produce Camp 2021 to now, 3 years and 90 people" No. 30 Fan Zhen'er. After Produce Camp, there was a time when dance videos were rarely uploaded, but recently they have been active as a group centered on activities on Douyin as the Space Tyrannosaurus team, and they are also doing live performances! ✨ #ProduceCamp2021toNow3Years90People #ProduceCamp2021SeriousChineseExchangeMeeting2024
Is there a Conan filter trending on Douyin that looks like Ghibli? Wang Xiaochen and Fanfan Fan Zhen'er are also doing it on Produce Camp, right?👀 Are there any others?🤔
"Produce Camp 2021 ghosts! Is Fan Zhen'er, who appeared in Produce Camp 2021, in the new male group that appeared on TikTok called Universe Tyrannosaurus Group? ✨ He also has a personal account that was created in February?? Is this group similar to Tan's "Star Dynamic Boys"? They were also live streaming today! 👀 Can anyone who knows please tell me 🙇"
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Fan Zhener