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Mar 250--

Apr 17, 2000

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"I really love Hyuk's limousine service and have watched it multiple times, but Hyuk saying 'I want both TEMPEST and myself to keep shining' and 'I hope it's just shining moments' is amazing every time."

12/30 23:04:38

TEMPEST T-OUR BUBBLE GUM B Prize signed postcard exchange 【Offering】 Hanbin, Hyeongseop, Lew, Taerae 【Looking for】 Hyuk If you would like to exchange, please send a DM or KKT! 2:1 exchanges are also possible! Exchanges can be made on 1/12-13 😊 #TEMPEST #BubbleGum #Exchange

12/30 21:26:51

The tweet translates to: "TEMPEST BUBBLE GUM HMV Tower Records photo card trading card bonus exchange 【Offering】 The item in the image 【Looking for】 HMV Lucky Draw Hyuk or the same type Hyuk n:1 exchange is possible! 🙆🏻‍♀️ Please exchange at the venue on January 12-13." (Note: "n:1" typically refers to a type of exchange ratio.)

12/30 21:26:51

The tweet translates to: "TEMPEST bubblegum Rakuten Lucky Draw signed Cheki Polaroid for transfer 【Offering】 Hyuk signed Polaroid 【Looking for】 Tele signed Polaroid Can be exchanged for different types. I will provide the designs via DM. #TEMPESTTransfer #TEMPESTExchange"

12/30 19:24:51

The tweet translates to: "Why are they saying something ridiculous like changing the opponent in episode 17 from Guel to Shadik? The only one who can win against Suletta here is Guel, the fake prince. If the real prince, Shadik, faced Suletta, the story would end right there. Plus, just like in a normal Tempest, Mioirine and Shadik will get married."

12/30 13:09:51

The duel between Shaddiq and Mioline is not a tempest; it is based on Othello. Therefore, the holder, Sleta, plays the role of Cassio on stage, and the same role of Cassio cannot be played by Guel. That’s why Guel couldn’t help Sleta. It becomes a double cast in theatrical terms.

12/30 11:28:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "TEMPEST trading card exchange Offering: Image Looking for: Hyuk Please check the ALT for details. Hand delivery during the release event from January 11 to January 13. On a different date: Hand delivery in Tokyo or Kanagawa. If you live far away, shipping is possible (only within Japan). Thank you very much."

12/29 11:42:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "TEMPEST trading card exchange Offering: Image Looking for: Hyuk Please check the ALT for details. Hand delivery during the release event from 1/11 to 1/13. On a different date: Hand delivery in Tokyo or Kanagawa. If you live far away, shipping is possible (only within Japan). Feel free to reply. Thank you!"

12/29 11:40:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "tempest テンペスト 템페스트 release Hyuk transfer release event purchase 【Looking for】 1:1 cheki photo shoot (Hyuk) individual talk & sign event (Hyuk) unit photo card signing event (Hyuk & Eunchan) 【Offering】 purchase Please provide your offers open.kakao.com/o/su4fQi1g #tempest譲"

12/29 11:35:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "tempest テンペスト템페스트 Release transfer, release event, purchase 【Looking for】 A wide cheki photo session with all members, a signing event with all members, a unit photo card signing event (Hyuk & Eunchan) 【Offering】 Purchase Please make your offers open.kakao.com/o/su4fQi1g #tempest譲"

12/29 11:32:51

The tweet translates to: "Tempest release Hyuk transfer, release event purchase 【Offering】 Purchase, please make your offer 【Looking for】 Everything Hyuk open.kakao.com/o/su4fQi1g #tempestTransfer"

12/29 11:19:51

The translation of the tweet is: "#EnjoyIdolSupportSummary2024 I just connected the videos and added some sound, but 2024 was very happy and fulfilling thanks to Tempest and Hyuk-chan! 💗 pic.x.com/CQkdJSpTg4"

12/29 00:42:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "TEMPEST bubble gum trading cards exchange [Offering] Hanbin / Hyunsop / Tele [Looking for] Roo, same type > Hyuk, same type Exchanges can be made on January 13th 🙆🏻‍♀️ Mail exchanges are also possible. Feel free to reply or DM me 🙇🏻‍♀️ #TEMPEST #tempestexchange"

12/28 15:09:51

Here's the translation of the tweet: "TEMPEST exchange Tower Records special benefit Offering: Tele, Unchan, Hyuk Looking for: LEW, Lu, Hanbin Exchanges can be done in-store, by mail, or at release events. Please DM me 🙇🏻‍♀️"

12/28 15:07:51

【Exchange】TEMPEST Bubble Gum panel from Tower Records HMV Offering: Unchan Looking for: Hyuk Priority for in-person exchange in Tokyo, but shipping can also be considered. Please feel free to reach out!

12/28 13:13:51

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