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"I thought I wouldn't be able to see my beloved Age-kun, Sean-kun, and Mii-tan this year, but they showed up! I was able to support them with all my heart, meet Hyunjoong and the Nuera members, and even talk with the fans. It truly was a happy year... Thank you so much... 😭✨"
Here’s the translation of the tweet text: "[NouerA 1-Day Store Manager] 🧸 Hyunjoong Edition 🧸 Let's enjoy the posted video by sekainohosizawa! #TikTok"
The tweet translates to: "I was just wondering, isn't everyone being a bit too casual after the finale? For me, my memories start with Fetek and Gyubin from BOY PLAN and end with Junpyo and Hyunjoon from MA1. It felt like everyone was just hugging in order and then saying, 'Okay, let's go back~'..."
"I offer proxy services for The Wind (ザ・ウィンド) Lucky Draw. Feel free to consult with me. It's okay to just ask questions too. Kim Hee-soo, Tanatone, Je Hwan-bin, Park Ha-yu-chan, Ahn Chang-won, Chang Hyun-jun. POPUP, pen submission, signing event."
"I offer proxy services for The Wind (ザ・ウィンド) Lucky Draw. Feel free to consult with me. It's okay to just ask questions too. Kim Hee Soo, Tanatone, Che Han Bin, Park Ha Yu Chan, Ahn Chang Won, Chang Hyun Joon, POPUP, pen submission, signing event."
[📢] Mnet #MCountdown Pre-voting Information 🗳 📍 Use the #MnetPlus APP! 📍 Until March 24 (Monday) PM 11:59 (KST) Vote for The Wind - Only One 💕 #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
[📢] SBS M #TheShow Pre-voting Information 🗳 📍 Use the #STARPLANET APP! 📍 Until March 24 (Monday) PM 2:00 (KST) Vote for The Wind - Only One 💕 #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
[📺] At 5:05 PM! The Wind will be appearing on KBS <#MusicBank> 🩵 #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
[📺] At 1 PM! The Wind will appear on arirang TV <#SimplyKPOP> 🩵 #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
[🎥] [4K] The Wind 'Hello, My First Love' DGDG Busking Performance💕 DGDG STUDIO X The Modern Soul 🔗 #TheWind #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #KimHeeSoo #Thanatone #CheHanBin #ParkHaYuChang #AnChangWon #ChangHyunJoon…
NouerA Chapter: New is Now MAKESTAR Benefits ▼ 🛏️ Outside the futon is dangerous ver - 7 types set… NuelA debut album group purchase proxy exchange trading card store benefits MA1 BinFan Lin Miracle HyunJoon GiHyun JunPyo YooSeop
[#ChangHyunJoon] WHIZ! Thank you for watching today's first broadcast of M Countdown. Let's keep running energetically from now on, fighting! 🩶…
[📰] 'The Wind' makes a comeback after 5 months... with a more intense refreshing beauty 'Only One' ▶… #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
[📸] #THEWINDDAY 25.03.20 Mnet <#MCountdown> Holding a fluttering heart 💕 Ready to run with all my might 💨 🫶 WHIZ! Please take care of this activity too 🫶 #더윈드 #THEWIND #The_Wind #OnlyOneStory #OnlyOne #キムヒス #タナトーン #チェハンビン #パクハユチャン #アンチャンウォン #チャンヒョンジュン…
Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA New is Now benefits trading card exchange 【Offering】 Images 1-3 Hyunjoong, Gi-hyun, Yusop, Rin, Fan, Miracle (3rd one is reserved ALT) 【Looking for】 Image 4 Jun-pyo 💕 I hope to exchange items of the same type for the hello82 benefits. I prefer shipping or handover at the release event on the 31st. Please feel free to reach out! #NouerAExchange"
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Jang Hyun Jun
📍📍 コミコミ価格! 🌸GOLDEN WEEK記念 SEOUL SPRING FESTA🌸韓国旅行オールインクルーシブパッケージ(航空券除く) 🎤 SEOUL SPRING FESTAコンサート公式チケット付き! NCT WISH, THE BOYZ, n.SSign, TWS, NMIXX, god, STAYC, ALL(H)OURS, NEXZ, KickFlip, Hearts2Hearts, NouerA, KiiiKiiiなど豪華アーティストが集結! コンサート会場および時間 : 4月30日 (水) ソウルワールドカップ競技場 19:00~21:30🏨5つ星ホテル宿泊 & 朝食ビュッフェ 🎶ツアー期間中、日本語ガイド同行 🍽ミシュランガイドまたはブルーリボンサーベイ受賞レストランでのお食事 & ソウル人気観光地ツアー (Ktown4u, Oliveyoung, Coex, ピョルマダン図書館, 宮殿ツアー, ロッテワールドタワー ソウルスカイなど) 🚖空港ピックアップ & 送迎を含み、全日程専用観光バス提供 📅 ツアー日程 オプション 1: 2025. 04. 29 (火) ~ 05. 01 (木) (2泊3日), オプション 2: 2025. 04. 30 (水) ~ 05. 02 (金) (2泊3日)💰 料金(オールインクルーシブパッケージ)125,000円📌 詳細情報: