NCT Universe : LASTART




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Mar 270--

Jul 24, 2004

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"I watched Lastart for the first time in a while, and Johnmin's Lucifer was really amazing; it brought me to tears. I really hope they debut."

3/6 12:20:20

NCTWISH💚 Happy 1st Anniversary 🎉👏 At the time of LASTART, I was planning to quietly support Jungmin and Doyoung, but on this day a year ago, I completely fell for Shion from SMT's NASA... WISH was just too sparkling 🥹 For now, thank you for an eventful year 👏 I'm so happy to support you, and let's continue together 🕊️ #NCTWISH #Our1stWISH #WISHis1yearold

2/21 23:29:03

"I finally just watched the announcement of the LASTART debut members, but it took so long! Ryo-kun was 5th and became a new member! It's really tough for Jongmin, who came in 4th and had to give up on debuting because of his health issues; he's the one who's hurting the most. 😭"

2/1 16:09:47

"I don't know why, but even now when I watch LASTART, I get nervous at the same parts and cry at the same parts. I remember everything, like BoA's words and the interactions between the trainees... By the way, I love the scene where Sakuya plays alone with the balance ball and the rock-paper-scissors battle between Jongmin and Sakuya."

⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
1/24 22:07:08

I saw a tweet saying that fans from LASTART are old news, but to be honest, only those who experienced LASTART in real-time can understand that thrilling feeling. Now that we know the debut group, we can watch them, but things like the last tears of the performance, Haruta's growth, the fun of Heitetsu... and the importance of Jongmin...

⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
1/24 22:03:08

The tweet translates to: "Hey, I'm still spinning around with Heitetsu-kun (just kidding). I went to see Lastart, and as expected, Heitetsu-kun is by far the tallest among them. By the way, next to him is Ryo-kun 😊. And then there's Yuushi, Shion, Johnmin, Kasshou, and Anderson too." (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)

1/14 22:35:29

The tweet translates to: "They sang My Everything at NCTU... I fell in love with Jungmin's singing voice while watching LASTART 🥲"

12/18 21:52:45

"I'm watching LASTART, but Ryosaku is just too much like a Sylvanian. Also, I love Jongmin's personality so much that I wish I didn't know... I'm halfway stuck in the rabbit hole."

12/2 02:26:04

"I was a second fan of Yushijonmin during LASTART, so it hits me even harder... 😢"

⭐️카호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
⭐️카호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
11/17 21:30:55

The translation of the tweet is: "I'm sorry, Johnmin... I can only cry when I look back at LASTART..."

⭐️카호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
⭐️카호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
11/17 21:28:55

The tweet translates to: "They're posting photos from Johnmin's LASTART 😭😭😭"

11/17 21:23:55

The tweet translates to: "Johnmin posted a photo from lastart, and it's amazing!"

11/17 21:22:55

Here's the translation of the tweet: "A selfie in the BOSS outfit 🥲 It makes me remember various things from the LASTART finale period. I'm relieved to see that Jongmin seems to have moved on."

11/17 21:20:55

The tweet translates to: "Johnmin from the Rastert era is dying (⑉• •⑉)♡ ((Johnbin"

11/17 21:19:55

Hey 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Johnmin posted a selfie from the Rastar era 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 BOSS's outfit 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭✨✨✨✨✨✨

11/17 21:14:55

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