Gye-Hun Lee, who impresses with his amazing lyrics every time
perfor face performance
rap if rap
Gye-Hun Lee, who impresses with his amazing lyrics every time
perfor face performance
rap if rap
18살 작사 천재 아이돌은 말도 잘해요♬
계훈이는 혼자서도 잘해요!🐬🐬
이런 아이가 진짜 에이스임!💖
크기와 넓이와 깊이가 달라요
. 자신감이 달라요.
멋있고 자랑스럽다!이계훈🐬🐬🐬
again 무대 때의 계훈
더 이상 출구가 없습니다.
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The tweet translates to: "Long-haired Igefunn is the most mellow in this world, and I want you to forgive me 😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰" (Note: "Igefunn" seems to be a name or a specific term that may not have a direct translation.)
The tweet translates to: "The 'GeFun' from LOUD's 1R is definitely tear-jerking, and Unphi's songs are just too good."
The translation of the tweet is: "Isn't the way of dancing a bit off?"
The translation of the tweet is: "What’s up with how cool Igefunn is?"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I'm a big fan of Gefun from LOUD. I love things like complaining about English textbooks and closing them, or filming surreal mountain climbing VLOGs. 🥹 I tend to follow silently. 🙏 If you'd like, feel free to talk to me casually. 🙏"
Here’s the translation of the tweet text: - "Guerrilla affirmative fans, negative faction" - "Currently unable to participate in events for the sake of the locals 🥺" - "I want Minje to silence Gehun with his physicality" - "Beginner in supporting my favorites" - "While waiting for the LOUD (not in real-time) debut, I became a STAY and was a former Hyunjin fan" - "After the KickFlip debut, I surprisingly only support Gehun" - "ISFP"
The tweet translates to: "A leader overflowing with the feeling of coming out of a shoujo manga, Lee Gehun #GeHun #계훈 #kickflip"
The translation of the tweet is: "Too cute, Igefun #킥플립 #KickFlip #계훈 #Kyehoon"
The tweet translates to: "Triumphant return 🥹 Igefun looks just as happy as Ijumaru—what's going on? 😅 Enjoy Japan!"
The translation of the tweet is: "The face I want to see even at the expense of sleep, No. 1: Lee Geun."
The translation of the tweet is: "Please give me more interactions between Enmi and Igefun, haha. (🦊 What's so funny? Jinsol-yan?)"
The translation of the tweet is: "I'll bring you along! And then the intense Igefunn‼️‼️ I laughed so hard it was unbelievable, and the actual Igefunn didn't care at all, which is adorable."
"I really like Igefun because it feels very much like Lee Gyeo-hoon. It suits him well. There's a sense of him sharing his thoughts and way of life with various people. It's very good."
The tweet translates to: "Kipuri's F group is basically a fluffy type of F, but Igefunn is a fiery type of F. Very good. Also, Donfa is definitely an ENFP."
The translation of the tweet is: "I seriously died from stomach pain because of Donfa's Igefun."
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Lee Gye Hun
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