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Mar 282#317#2

Dec 30, 2006

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juniorjunior 2 weeks ago

📍📍 コミコミ価格! 🌸GOLDEN WEEK記念 SEOUL SPRING FESTA🌸韓国旅行オールインクルーシブパッケージ(航空券除く) 🎤 SEOUL SPRING FESTAコンサート公式チケット付き! NCT WISH, THE BOYZ, n.SSign, TWS, NMIXX, god, STAYC, ALL(H)OURS, NEXZ, KickFlip, Hearts2Hearts, NouerA, KiiiKiiiなど豪華アーティストが集結! コンサート会場および時間 : 4月30日 (水) ソウルワールドカップ競技場 19:00~21:30🏨5つ星ホテル宿泊 & 朝食ビュッフェ 🎶ツアー期間中、日本語ガイド同行 🍽ミシュランガイドまたはブルーリボンサーベイ受賞レストランでのお食事 & ソウル人気観光地ツアー (Ktown4u, Oliveyoung, Coex, ピョルマダン図書館, 宮殿ツアー, ロッテワールドタワー ソウルスカイなど) 🚖空港ピックアップ & 送迎を含み、全日程専用観光バス提供 📅 ツアー日程 オプション 1: 2025. 04. 29 (火) ~ 05. 01 (木) (2泊3日), オプション 2: 2025. 04. 30 (水) ~ 05. 02 (金) (2泊3日)💰 料金(オールインクルーシブパッケージ)125,000円📌 詳細情報:


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The order of the live performances is SEEDS → Nuera → RED → Zuhau? → Rei-san, I guess 🤔 Right now it's RED! I can't upload long videos at all 💦 For now, I took a fancam of Anshin and Rin-kun 📱

12/31 23:29:28

The tweet appears to be a mix of Korean and Japanese, along with some names and hashtags. Here’s the translation of the main content: "Transferring (or selling) Nouera, Sign Pola, Make Mate One, Meme One, Miraku, and Sappol. Sell⭕️ Please make an offer. #NouerA #MIRAKU #poca #ミラク Fan Chen Bingfan Lin Im Hanjung Jang Hyunjoon Noh Gihyun Miraku MIRAKU ミラク Jeon Junpyo Han Yuseop Mi Fan Poka poca Transfer trade Infinity N.I.N" (Note: Some parts of the text, such as names and specific terms, may not have direct translations and are kept as is.)

3/22 06:29:54

NouerA Chapter: New is Now MAKESTAR Benefits ▼ 🛏️ Outside the futon is dangerous ver - 7 types set… NuelA debut album group purchase proxy exchange trading card store benefits MA1 BinFan Lin Miracle HyunJoon GiHyun JunPyo YooSeop

3/22 02:25:54

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA New is Now enclosed special trading card exchange 【Offering】 Junpyo, Yusop, Rin, Fan, Mirak 【Looking for】 Unowned Gihyun (💕 priority) Shipping available / Hand delivery possible on the 29th 🙆🏻‍♀️ Priority to those who can exchange in bulk ◎ If you meet the conditions, feel free to reply 🙏🏻" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image or media link and is not translated.)

3/21 05:10:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA New is Now benefits trading card exchange 【Offering】 Images 1-3 Hyunjoong, Gi-hyun, Yusop, Rin, Fan, Miracle (3rd one is reserved ALT) 【Looking for】 Image 4 Jun-pyo 💕 I hope to exchange items of the same type for the hello82 benefits. I prefer shipping or handover at the release event on the 31st. Please feel free to reach out! #NouerAExchange"

なでこ 간사이노모모
なでこ 간사이노모모
3/21 04:23:24

The tweet appears to be a mix of Korean and Japanese, along with some English. Here’s a translation of the main parts: "Nouera Soundwave unreported mochi ball transfer sell Poca photocard NouerA ヌエラ (Nuela) Noh Gihyun Han Yuseop Jeon Junpyo Jang Hyunjoon Miraku Rin Pan Bingpan Lim Hanjung Junpyo Gihyun Hyunjoon Yuseop broadcast pc poca photocard album wts…" Note: Some parts of the text, such as names and specific terms, may not have a direct translation and are kept as is.

3/21 03:03:24

The tweet appears to be a mix of Korean and Japanese, primarily discussing the sale of items related to a music group. Here’s the translation: "NouerA MakeStar unannounced blanket outside is dangerous. Transfer/sell 1 set for 5.0, 1.0 per member. Unopened album +0.2. Poca photocard NouerA ヌエラ Nogi Hyun Han Yoo Seob Jeon Jun Pyo Jang Hyun Jun Miraku Lin Pan Bing Pan Lim Han Joong Jun Pyo Ki Hyun Hyun Jun Yoo Seob broadcast pc poca photocard album wts" (Note: The translation retains the original context and terminology, which may include specific references to items or terms familiar to fans of the group.)

3/21 02:00:24

"Please exchange (already purchased) NouerA New is Now trading cards, photo cards, and Poka. Offering → the item in the image (dangerous version outside the futon) Fans/Rin/Miraku/Hyunjun/Junpyo/Yusof. Seeking → Gi-hyun except for the mirror heart & doctor version. Prefer shipping."

3/21 01:30:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA Exchange New is Now Trading Cards 【Wanted】 Image 1 (Items not owned by Yusop) 【Offering】 Images 2 and 3 Gi-hyun, Jun-pyo, Hyun-jun, Lin, Fan, Miracle Local exchange or shipping on the 29th and 31st release event. Please feel free to DM me! 💌 #NouerAExchange #NouerA"

3/21 00:08:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA exchange Looking for: all types of rings Offering: the items in the image - Gi-hyun, Jun-pyo, Hyun-jun, Mirak, Yu-seop (unit) I can hand them over at the release events on the 29th and 31st! Please DM or reply to me 💌💭 #NouerA exchange" [Image link]

3/20 22:55:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA Rin New is Now trading card special exchange (Looking for) image 1 🩷 Rin (Offering) image 2 Gihyun, Yusop, Fan, Mirac. I hope to exchange by mail or in person at the release event on the 29th. If anyone has any leads, please feel free to reach out 🙇‍♀️"

3/20 21:08:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "I've been carrying it around since the day it arrived 🥹 It looks like the outfit Nuera-chan was wearing that day, lol 😂 I can't dance or sing, so I'm just a regular Limpen ✋🏻♡♡" (Note: "Limpen" likely refers to a character or persona, and "ヌエラちゃん" (Nuera-chan) is likely a reference to another character.)

3/20 21:06:24

The tweet translates to: "250327 250328 250329 Airport departure proxy photoshoot. RIIZE, BND (Boys Next Door), Nouera, Nogi Hyun, Jeon Jun Pyo, Jang Hyun Jun, Han Yu Seob, Lin, Bingpan, Miraku, ZEROBASEONE (ZB1), Jang Hao, Seong Han Bin, Han Yu Jin, Park Geon Wook, Kim Ji Woong, Kim Tae Rae, Kim Gyu Bin, Seok Matthew, Ricky, SUPERJUNIOR. Date for proxy photoshoot."

대리찍사 NUBI
대리찍사 NUBI
3/20 11:41:24

The tweet translates to: "Nuela Rin-chan has a solid core, doesn't she? She's stable."

3/19 22:50:24

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NouerA release event trading cards exchange [Offering] anything except Rin [Looking for] Rin (different types are okay) I would like to exchange at Tower Records Shibuya on the 29th. I will be purchasing the album that day, so I would like to exchange the trading cards that come with it (New ver, Now ver, POCA ver). I'm open to any ratio, even n:1. Please feel free to reach out! 🙇🏻‍♀️"

3/19 22:09:24

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