今回ミラクに良い縁があり結ばれる様に ⛩️🙏
Miraku fighting lets debut this time ok I will support you from apart.i love you my fellow aroha from Philippines.
Miraku fighting
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Coming soon ...
This year, Miraku's debut was decided, and I was overflowing with happiness meeting all the charming members of NouerA 🥹✨ All the fans were so kind, and I was really happy to share so much joy 🥰💕 I look forward to next year as well 🫶 I’m going to enjoy supporting my favorites with my daughter 🥰 #NouerA #누에라 #ヌエラ #미라쿠 #MIRAKU #LIN #린 pic.x.com/IxvyDqhpNZ
The tweet translates to: "The year is coming to an end 🥹 Miraku challenged MA1 and worked really hard, so there were many heartwarming and happy moments. 🫶 Finally debuting ✨ I hope there are many good things for Miraku next year!"
The translation of the tweet is: "Mitan, who gives fan service even in her busy moments, is the best idol 👼🪽 #Miraku #미라쿠 #HoshizawaYaraku #NouerA #누에라 #MirakuSatellite pic.x.com/KLBBfsbf9o"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I love those who always give me likes on my Miracle Pen and Nuera Pen. It really motivates me, thank you so much as always 🥺🩷. 2024, let's make some memories, Miracle 👼♡. With a timely Choco Pie during my way-too-late big cleaning 🧹." (Note: The link at the end is not translated as it is a URL.)
The translation of the tweet is: "Ahh, it seems I need more 😣💦 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
The tweet text "ンショ…ンショ… ←効果音" translates to "Nsho... Nsho... ← sound effect" in English. The hashtags and the image link refer to specific events or topics related to the tweet.
The translation of the tweet is: "Even with half-closed eyes or hiding their face, they're still cute 😅😅😅😅 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
"That was close~~~~~‼️ If I had been on the right side, I might have fainted 😅 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
The translation of the tweet text is: "The identity of déjà vu #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
The tweet translates to: "Manne~z 🐣🐣🐣 만네 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂 #FAN #판 #陈炳帆 #LIN #린 #林韩中 pic.x.com/hAwmmeOH2e" (Note: The text includes hashtags and emojis that are typically not translated, and the names and terms may refer to specific people or events.)
The translation of the tweet is: "Mii-tan, even though Pani-chan is giving me a look, the focus is off and I'm so frustrated‼️‼️‼️😭😭 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
Finally, it's infinite ♾️ Posting once every hour will end today and tomorrow...❗️ I’ll keep it going for the last 17 days until the end 🔥 And since I created this account about a year and two months ago, I’ve probably tweeted about Miraku every single day without fail. I think my persistence is incredibly impressive, even if I say so myself (don’t self-praise 🕺). I’ve always loved Hoshizawa Miraku 🕺 It’s been a while since I had a burst of love! pic.x.com/zTOI0S8gP2
The translation of the tweet is: "LOL Mitan 🤣 Worried Mitan 🤔 Shy Mitan ☺️ Surprised Mitan 😲 #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂" (Note: "Mitan" likely refers to a character or persona.)
"This is not a quokka wallaby giving a glance to an otaku during a break from customer service... but rather Hoshizawa Miraku. #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Does this mean I finally got a reply from Menpa after two months⁉️⁉️⁉️ (No, it doesn't) The interpretation of Gryffindor is too on point 😭👏 Hoshizawa Yagaku, you are definitely the protagonist 👊👊💥 Did you get a reply? He is the protagonist #NOVAACADEMIAOfflineEventInShanghai #NouerA #누에라 #MIRAKU #미라쿠 #星沢弥樂"
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Let's Add my favorite members and Cheering them!
📍 https://www.skoreatravel.com/jp📍 コミコミ価格! 🌸GOLDEN WEEK記念 SEOUL SPRING FESTA🌸韓国旅行オールインクルーシブパッケージ(航空券除く) 🎤 SEOUL SPRING FESTAコンサート公式チケット付き! NCT WISH, THE BOYZ, n.SSign, TWS, NMIXX, god, STAYC, ALL(H)OURS, NEXZ, KickFlip, Hearts2Hearts, NouerA, KiiiKiiiなど豪華アーティストが集結! コンサート会場および時間 : 4月30日 (水) ソウルワールドカップ競技場 19:00~21:30🏨5つ星ホテル宿泊 & 朝食ビュッフェ 🎶ツアー期間中、日本語ガイド同行 🍽ミシュランガイドまたはブルーリボンサーベイ受賞レストランでのお食事 & ソウル人気観光地ツアー (Ktown4u, Oliveyoung, Coex, ピョルマダン図書館, 宮殿ツアー, ロッテワールドタワー ソウルスカイなど) 🚖空港ピックアップ & 送迎を含み、全日程専用観光バス提供 📅 ツアー日程 オプション 1: 2025. 04. 29 (火) ~ 05. 01 (木) (2泊3日), オプション 2: 2025. 04. 30 (水) ~ 05. 02 (金) (2泊3日)💰 料金(オールインクルーシブパッケージ)125,000円📌 詳細情報: https://www.skoreatravel.com/jp