HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOCO!本当は昨日(10/4)が誕生日だったんだけど、今になってしまいました。ごめん!🙇 我が家のMOCOには、「パパ、頑張っているよ」って伝えたよ。しょせの応援コメントじゃないけど、ここに足跡残します。
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Hobby | カメラ、散歩、映画鑑賞、動画編集、ビート作り |
Special Skill | シフト、ダブルシフト |
Comment | 必ずデビューして、周りにいる人たちに恩返しします! |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "JO1 trading cards exchange and purchase Offering: Different post or purchase Looking for: Oohira, Kawanishi Oohira (red frame, orange frame, blue frame, others) Kawanishi (red frame, green frame, blue frame, others) I am also looking for trading cards not shown in the images. *For purchases, I can use Mercari or PayPay #JO1Exchange #JO1Purchase"
#JO1 Exchange LAPOSTA JO1 Exchange Past Trading Cards Offering: Yonoshiro, Kawashiri, Shiraishi, Kono, Sato, Kimata, Ohira, Kinjou, Tsurubo, Mamehara Seeking: Kawanishi 082 or solid pos Purchase (please make an offer) Kawanishi land trade ⇔ Festival trading card 1:1 not possible Considering n:1 exchange for festival trading cards (on my side). Will consider different ratios 🙇🏻♀️ Shipping 📮 pic.x.com/5UYqVIOtFC
【For Sale】 JO1 Yoshio Ohira bulk sale #YoshioOhira 【Want】 1,555 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15448941…
The tweet translates to: "#INI Exchange #JO1 Exchange Looking for: INI Gotou, JO1 Kaneshiro Offering: Ikesaki, Ozaki, Kimura, Sano, Kyo, Takatsuka, Tajima, Nishi, Fujimaki, Matsuda, Ohira, Kawajiri, Kawanishi, Kimata, Kono, Sato, Shiraishi, Tsurubo, Yonashiro, Mamehara x.com/sktkaytr56310/…"
【For Sale】 JO1DER SHOW 2024 Yoshio Ohira Production With this, you'll feel great #YoshioOhira 【Looking for】 6,500 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m99599188…
✨JO1✨ 【3/20】KPOP JUICE!! Fan voting ranking 1st place #KawashiriRen 2nd place #OhiroiShosei 3rd place #KaneshiroAomi 4th place #MameharaKazuaki (↑1) 5th place #SatoKeigo (↓1) kpopjuice.com/member/kawashi… #NipponProject #JO1 #JAM
"Exchange" BOT Wafers Jr. EXILE NEOEXILE trading cards, can badges, past JO1 Offering: All members of Ramp, LIKIYA, Kamiya, Urakawa, Fujiwara, Takechi, Sekai, Taiki, Seguchi, Nakajima, Kimura, Uinuma, Matsui, Takahashi, JIMMY, Watanabe, Handa, WEESA, Iwaki, Ryudai, Yamada, Makoto, Shunosuke, Tanaka, Ao Looking for: JO1 (Oohira, Tsurubo > Kawajiri, Yonashiro) ↓ pic.x.com/8wkXzhxnCO
#PR Reservation for release on 4/2 JO1 BE CLASSIC ▼Amazon amzn.to/3D6qI6K Best album featuring Yoshio Ohira, Ren Kawashiri, Takumi Kawanishi, Shoya Kimata, Aoi Kaneshiro, Junki Kono, Keigo Sato, Ruki Shiraiwa, Shion Tsurubo, Kazuki Mamehara, and Sho Yona. #JO1
JO1 | ‘BE CLASSIC’ Sooo cute 🩷🩷🩷🩷 I love it 😳🩷🩷🩷🩷 It's just too cool 🩷🩷🩷🩷 #JO1_BECLASSIC #BE_CLASSIC #JO1 @official_jo1 #TakumiKawanishi #RenKawashiri #YoshioOhira #RukiShiraiwa #JunkiKono #ShionTsurubo #KazunariMamehara #KeigoSato #ShoyaKimata #AoiKinjou #ShoYonashiro pic.x.com/YeU7nMotof
Here's the translation of the tweet: "JO1 JO1DER SHOW Tokyo Dome Looking for a companion ticket for 4/21 (Monday) for the fastest presale upgrade. Offering at face value + fees. I am looking for someone who can include me in their upgrade companion ticket. If you have any leads, please DM me. 02 Kanto Ohira #JO1Sale #JO1Wanted #JO1Companion"
🌟Restock Information🌟 JO1 trading cards have arrived✨✨ At Mandarake Kokura, we also have JO1 merchandise and discs available‼️ We are also buying items🙆♀️ #JO1 #ShokoYonashiro #RenKawashiri #RukiShiraiwa #JunkiKono #KeigoSato #TakumiKawanishi #ShoseiOhira #ShoyaKimata #AoiKinjyo #ShionTsurubo #KazunariMamehara pic.x.com/v4xTZakLVX
Here's the translation of the tweet: "JO1 inclusion exchange request 🍓 Kawanishi 🍓 I want to change everything to Kawanishi, so I will consider anything! 📮 Mail only. If it's difficult, I will respond to those who are not looking at ALT ♡. Priority will be given to good conditions for Shiraiwa, Kono, and Ohira in the bottom right. #jo1exchange #JO1exchange #JO1DER_SHOWexchange #Lapostaexchange" (Note: The symbols and hashtags are kept as they are since they are specific to the context.)
"【Releasing on February 26】A book packed with the charm of JO1✨ ▼Details here amzn.to/4hk3AjQ In addition to a 16-page feature on Takumi Kawanishi, Yona Shijo, Ruki Shiraiwa, Aoi Kinjō, Junki Kōno, Keigo Sato, Shoya Kimata, Shion Tsurubo, Yoshiki Ōhira, Kazunari Mamehara, and Ren Kawashiri will also appear! #PR #JO1"
The tweet translates to: "SKZ trading cards, random trading, stickers, online lottery dominate. Exchange: Mamehara Kazuaki, Yonashiro Sho, Shiraiwa Ruki, Kaneshiro Aomi, Kono Junki, Kawajiri Ren, Ohira Shosei, Tsurubo Shion, Kimata Shoya, Kawanishi Takumi. Looking for) JO1 Sato Keigo, anything is welcome. Offering) Stray Kids Bang Chan B, SKZOO Felix A. Shipping 📮 pic.x.com/TZdWqT5tZK"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Jo1 jochum Matsukiyo sticker exchange 🟦Offering🟦 → Popo, Moko, Rain, Peehai ❤️Wanting❤️ → Mamechi, Chulala, prioritizing Moko, but also looking for other ❤️. - Hand delivery on 4/21 at Tokyo Dome - Hand delivery in Tokyo 🔍 Yona, Kawashiri, Shiraishi, Kono, Sato, Kawanishi, Kimata, Ohira, Kaneshiro, Tsurubo, Mamehara trading cards pic.x.com/SBK3KiVCyE"
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