You deserve to ranking higher than you are! You have amazing vocals and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Fighting!💕
You deserve to ranking higher than you are! You have amazing vocals and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Fighting!💕
you deserve to be on the top 3 💕
Performance was awesome !!!
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Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Park Ye-won (formerly of HOTISSUE) has properly passed the acting department entrance exam, which is impressive, and she's really a university student now~... By the way, are the other members still on Instagram? wwwwww"
EBS 2024 #Korean Language Park Ye-won, 2nd year female student at Gyeonggi Arts High School, Classical Music Specialty Program Q👨 What kind of instrument is the euphonium? A👧 It comes from the Greek word euphonos → It’s likely an introduction to music theory using the same term as the euphonium and the professor, but even if I go to a music university, studying abroad during my time there is essential, so what about the authentic pronunciation? Whether I like it or not, haha.
EBS 2024年 #韓国語 박예원 パク・イェウォン 京畿芸術高校2年女子 クラシック音楽専門番組 Q👨 Euphonium どんな楽器ですか? A👧 ギリシア語で euphonos が由来 →ユーフォニウムと教授と同じ言い方で楽理の紹介だろうが、音大進学しても在学中留学は必至だろうから本場の発音は?否が応でもかな😁
EBS 2024 #Korean Language Park Ye-won, 2nd year female student at Gyeonggi Arts High School, promising future. She seems to be concerned about her height in the interview 🤔 The vertical height of the Grand Piano is about 100cm, that might be true. Supporting the instrument with the left pelvis, adjusting the pitch actively with the main trigger for high notes, and using proper fingerings. Then! Isn't it the responsibility of the Euphonium industry to develop a left-hand protector? 🎵
EBS 2024年 #韓国語 박예원 パク・イェウォン 京畿芸術高校2年女子 将来有望 インタビューで背が低いと気にしてる🤔 Grand Piano垂直高 約100cmそうかもね 左骨盤で楽器を支え高音は主管トリガーでさかんに音程調整し正規運指 ならば!左手用プロテクターを開発するのが Euphonium 業界の責務では?🎵
EBS 2024 #KoreanLanguage Park Ye-won, 2nd year female student at Gyeonggi Arts High School, interview for a classical music program. Q👨 What kind of instrument is the euphonium? A👧 It was developed by Ferdinand Sommer in 1844, and its name comes from the Greek word "euphonos." Q👨 What are your dreams and aspirations as a professional performer? A👧 Right now, I am a public relations officer for the Salvation Army, but I hope to be a freelance performer in the future. 
EBS 2024年 #韓国語 박예원 パク・イェウォン 京畿芸術高校2年女子 クラシック音楽専門番組インタビュー Q👨 Euphonium どんな楽器ですか? A👧 Ferdinand Sommer が1844年 開発、ギリシア語で euphonos が由来 Q👨 プロ演奏家へ夢と展望は? A👧 今は救世軍広報 将来はフリーランス演奏者が希望です
EBS Korean Educational Broadcasting System September 23, 2024 #Korean Language Park Ye-won, Gyeonggi Arts High School @ Bucheon City, 2nd year female student, studio interview for a classical music specialty program. Euphonium has a British-style trigger-equipped compensating pitch valve → What are the dreams, hopes, and prospects for becoming a professional performer? Next tweet: The piece being performed is Roger Deronge, "Walking on Music."
EBS韓国教育放送公社 2024年9月23日 #韓国語 박예원 パク・イェウォン 京畿芸術高校 @ 富川市 2年生 女子 クラシック音楽専門番組スタジオインタビュー Euphonium は英国系か主管トリガー付き補正ピッチバルブ →プロ演奏家へ夢と希望と展望は?次のツイへ 演奏曲は Roger Deronge, Walking on Music
The translation of the tweet is: "By the way, Pak Yu-won's agency has left... 😢"
✨UNIVERSE TICKET✨ 【9/20】人気投票ランキング 4位 #イソヌ (↓1) 10位 #パクイェウォン (↑3) 11位 #ミラ (↑2) 12位 #キムスジン (↑1) 12位 #チョンフィギョン (↑1)… #UniverseTicket #ユニバースチケット #유니버스티켓
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