NCT Universe : LASTART




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Mar 270--

Nov 18, 2007

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juniorjunior 1 week ago

📍📍 コミコミ価格! 🌸GOLDEN WEEK記念 SEOUL SPRING FESTA🌸韓国旅行オールインクルーシブパッケージ(航空券除く) 🎤 SEOUL SPRING FESTAコンサート公式チケット付き! NCT WISH, THE BOYZ, n.SSign, TWS, NMIXX, god, STAYC, ALL(H)OURS, NEXZ, KickFlip, Hearts2Hearts, NouerA, KiiiKiiiなど豪華アーティストが集結! コンサート会場および時間 : 4月30日 (水) ソウルワールドカップ競技場 19:00~21:30🏨5つ星ホテル宿泊 & 朝食ビュッフェ 🎶ツアー期間中、日本語ガイド同行 🍽ミシュランガイドまたはブルーリボンサーベイ受賞レストランでのお食事 & ソウル人気観光地ツアー (Ktown4u, Oliveyoung, Coex, ピョルマダン図書館, 宮殿ツアー, ロッテワールドタワー ソウルスカイなど) 🚖空港ピックアップ & 送迎を含み、全日程専用観光バス提供 📅 ツアー日程 オプション 1: 2025. 04. 29 (火) ~ 05. 01 (木) (2泊3日), オプション 2: 2025. 04. 30 (水) ~ 05. 02 (金) (2泊3日)💰 料金(オールインクルーシブパッケージ)125,000円📌 詳細情報:


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The tweet translates to: "After the pre-debut period of the LASTART debut group NCT NEW TEAM, they will debut as NCT WISH on February 21, 2024, at SMT Tokyo. The members, in order of age, are Shion, Riku, Yushi, Deyon (Jehi), Ryo, and Sakuya." (Note: The link at the end is not translated as it appears to be a URL.)

3/16 04:28:42

On the day of the exam, I held up my witch charm and prayed, and as a result, I successfully passed the national exam! ✨ During the tough times in my internship, I watched lastart and it helped me blow away the hardships, so I can only be grateful to the wish team‼️ I passed just as I wished, Sakuya~ 😭

3/15 11:55:42

The tweet translates to: "Mr. Eunhyuk, who served as the artist director at LASTART, mentioned that he has been watching WISH since before their debut. He said each of their names: 'Shion, Yushi, Jehi, Sakuya, Ryo'... The moment WISH responded with 'Ohh~' in joy was really wonderful." (Note: The links at the end are not translated as they are URLs.)

3/6 22:40:33

Here's the translation of the tweet: "[#LASTART] NCT's hit song mission '90's Love' stage replay | NCT Universe: LASTART💫… @YouTube The fact that Sakuya was singing and dancing to '90's Love' is amazing, and I didn't know he was crying during Sungchan's part (;_;)(;_;)(;_;) It seems that falling in love with Sakuya was fate and inevitable (;_;)”

3/6 09:22:25

"Unlike Yuushi, who hardly shows any signs of nervousness before the stage since LASTART, Sakuya still gets very nervous even after more than six months since debuting. It's amazing how Sakuya stands on stage, overcoming that tension. So cool!"

ゆめしろ⭐️WISHは1歳 ✨🐈🐾
ゆめしろ⭐️WISHは1歳 ✨🐈🐾
2/26 07:18:08

The tweet translates to: "Maybe around mid-April 2024? I ended up watching Sakuyas's legendary Yare Yare video, and from there, I watched Rastart. That's when I started to like Riku-chan, and since then, I've become quite a Wish Pen. Has it been about a week since Sakuchan's Yare Yare video?" (Note: "Wish Pen" likely refers to a fan of a specific character or series.)

sora | そら
sora | そら
2/14 18:29:52

The tweet translates to: "What they said in LASTART, for Sakuya, Riku is like a compass. She said that when she looks at Riku, she knows what she should do and where she should go. I'm glad that her important guide has come back! NCTWISH needs Riku-chan." (Note: The link at the end appears to be a placeholder for an image or video.)

2/11 19:26:45

The translation of the tweet is: "Honestly, Lastart's Ryo-kun was more of a baby than Sakuya, who was the most manly of them all."

2/3 13:42:53

Here's the translation of the tweet: "NCT wish NCT new team LASTART Pre-debut tour goods pop-up For sale: Sakuyas LASTART acrylic stand, unused and unopened Looking for: Sakuyas wishful pop-up acrylic stand - Both must be unused and unopened - Only those who currently have it and can exchange immediately Hand delivery at Dream Makuhari, hand delivery in Tokyo, or shipping." (Note: "Sakuyas" likely refers to a character or member associated with the NCT group.)

1/29 19:12:39

The tweet translates to: "NCT wish NCT new team LASTART. Pre-debut tour goods. Offering: Sakua acrylic stand (unused, unopened). Looking for: 2nd item red frame, 3rd item Yuushi. Can meet in Makuhari or in Tokyo. Shipping is also possible. Please feel free to reach out!" (Note: "Sakua" and "Yuushi" may refer to specific members or characters, and "ドリム" (Dorimu) likely refers to "Dream" in the context of NCT.)

1/29 18:53:39

"I don't know why, but even now when I watch LASTART, I get nervous at the same parts and cry at the same parts. I remember everything, like BoA's words and the interactions between the trainees... By the way, I love the scene where Sakuya plays alone with the balance ball and the rock-paper-scissors battle between Jongmin and Sakuya."

⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
⭐️가호⭐️WISH의 꿈이 내 꿈이 돼
1/24 22:07:14

"I've watched 'Lastart' dozens of times, but I cry every time from episode 8 with Anderson. 'Why are you crying?' It's because you really put your heart into the audition. The friendship between Minje and Deyoung, Yushi's tears and his understanding teacher, Jinyoung, and Sakuya watching over them. 😭 #NCTWISH"

1/19 13:18:14

The tweet translates to: "I am transferring NCT Wish Sion photocards. Limited edition NCT Universe LASTART PRE-DEBUT 1.2. Transferring/exchanging Sion, Riku, Yushi, Jaehee, Ryo, Sakuya NCT Wish photocards."

1/18 21:06:14

The tweet translates to: "I am transferring NCT Wish Sion photocards. Limited edition NCT Universe LASTART PRE-DEBUT 1.5. Sion, Riku, Yushi, Jaehee, Ryo, Sakuya. I am transferring and exchanging NCT Wish Sion PC photocards."

1/16 13:32:34

The tweet translates to: "Those refined trainees in that number, not all of them must have joined after the start, so it’s really amazing that Riku, DeYon, and RyouSaku debuted without going through the usual process ♥ Rather, they probably won’t let these kids participate in groups based in Japan... ^^ I guess that’s just my twisted thinking taking precedence (lol)."

1/14 22:26:34

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