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⚡INI CD Information ⚡ THE FRAME (OVER THE FRAME ver.) ▶️amzn.to/46xWOlW #pr Rihito Ikesaki, Yudai Sano, Masaya Kimura, Jin Matsuda, Taimu Takatsuka, Shogo Tajima, Kyosuke Fujimaki, Hiroto Nishi, Takumi Ozaki, Issei Goto, Hyun-Ban Kyu.
Nishi: "Why can't you switch like that...?" Tajima: "It's hot over there!! 😡" Takahizuka: "It's from Ukyo." Sano: "I can see all the way to the top!!" #INITIME_MUSIC_LIVE #INI
Here's the translation of the tweet: "INI FLIP THE CIRCLE FTC Blu-ray DVD enclosed trading card exchange [Offering] BluRay Sano [Looking for] DVD > BluRay Kimura The exchange will be done by mail. Feel free to reach out from the search 🙇🏻♀️ #INIOffer #INIExchange #INI_FLIP_THE_CIRCLE"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "INI FLIP THE CIRCLE Blu-ray trading card exchange 【Offering】 Blu-ray Sano 【Looking for】 Blu-ray or DVD Kimura, Fujimaki, Takatsuka Preferably by mail, feel free to reach out! #INI_exchange #INI_FLIP_THE_CIRCLE"
【Exchange】INI trading card exchange RTP DVD BD Offering: Yudai Sano first edition Looking for: Hikoto Nishi regular edition, either first edition is fine Shipping or handover in Tokyo #INITIME #INIOffering #INILooking #INITIMEMUSIC #INITIMEMUSICLIVE #INIExchange pic.x.com/EuWEVpNEWc
non-no (ノンノ) January-February 2023 combined issue Cover & double-sided thick paper pin-up: INI Ikesaki Rihito, Ozaki Takumi, Kimura Masaya, Goto Issei, Sano Yudai, Kyo Ho Bun, Takatsuka Taiga, Tajima Shogo, Nishi Kaito, Fujimaki Kyosuke, Matsuda Jin. As expected of INI-chan! An impressive cover!!
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Looking for trades INI A period 【Offering】 Azaja Regular Sano Nishi Ozaki Kyo x2 Matsuda Trading cards Regular Ikesaki Goto Takatsuka A Tajima B Ikesaki 【Wanted】 Azaja A period Takatsuka anything Trading cards Regular Tajima Fujimaki AB Takatsuka Fujimaki Only accepting trades in bulk, please. Shipping or handover in the Tokyo area. #INIExchange"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "INI FLIP THE CIRCLE DVD enclosed trading card exchange [Looking for] Yudai Sano BluRay or DVD [Offering] Rihito Ikesaki DVD I hope to send it by mail. Please feel free to reach out 🙇🏻♀️ #iniExchange pic.x.com/Y0ZkkTR3z1"
⚡INI CD Information ⚡ TAG ME (Regular Edition) ▶️amzn.to/4dvDWXj #pr Rihito Ikesaki, Yudai Sano, Masaya Kimura, Jin Matsuda, Taimu Takatsuka, Shogo Tajima, Kyosuke Fujimaki, Hiroto Nishi, Takumi Ozaki, Issei Goto, Dongfan Xu
The tweet translates to: "INI DVD Blu-ray FLIP THE CIRCLE enclosed trading card exchange [Offering] Blu-ray Ozaki Tajima [Looking for] the same type, Sano Please exchange via mail."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "INI FAN-CON FLIP THE CIRCLE enclosed bonus trading cards 【Offering】 DVD Ozaki, Blu-ray Ozaki, Sano 【Looking for】 DVD Takatsuka I hope to exchange in person in Tokyo or by mail 📮 Please feel free to reach out 🌱 #INIExchange #INIOffer #INISearch"
The tweet translates to: "INI's Takumi Ozaki has been cast as Yoshitsune in 'Minamoto no Yoshitsune's Eastern Procession'! Yudai Sano has been cast as a student in 'Hanguru! Navi'. randomviews.net/archives/36177/ #INI #TakumiOzaki #MinamotoYoshitsune #YudaiSano #HanguruNavi"
The translation of the tweet is: "If my memory serves me right, during the last INI part today, Yudai wasn't wearing rimless glasses, but I wonder why he took them off? Is it the same reason as with the hat? I couldn't help but smile to myself."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "@l LAPOSTA 2025 Laposta INI FLIP THE CIRCLE FTC fan meeting trading card exchange 【Offering】 Fujimaki 072 077 089 Ikesaki 078 Matsuda 074 079 091 【Looking for】 Sano 091 > 086 087 I hope to exchange by mail. Bundling is okay ◎ 091 is my top priority. If anyone meets the conditions, please feel free to reach out 🙇♀️ #INIExchange"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "INI trading cards exchange 【Offering】 FTC (BluRay) Takazuka Calendar Fujimaki RTP (First Edition) Ikesaki BTC (Regular) Tajima 【Looking for】 Sano Yudai FTC BluRay / DVD RTP Regular Calendar 2025 BTC Regular / FC① I hope to exchange by mail 📮 I am prioritizing FTC! Please feel free to reach out 🙏 #INIexchange #INIoffer #INIrequest" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)
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