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✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/19】 Popular vote ranking 15th #Qinweiji (↓1) 15th #Ricky (↓1) 15th #Wangxin (↓1) 15th #Aguang (↓1) 15th #Shin (↓1) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/19】 Popular vote ranking 15th #Qinweiji (↓1) 15th #Ricky (↓1) 15th #Wangxin (↓1) 15th #Aguang (↓1) 15th #Shin (↓1) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/18】 Popular vote ranking 14th place #YangJiaHao (↑3) 14th place #JinWeiJi (↑3) 14th place #Ricky (↑3) 14th place #WangXin (↑3) 14th place #Aguang (↑3) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/18】 Popular vote ranking 14th place #YangJiaHao (↑3) 14th place #JinWeiJi (↑3) 14th place #Ricky (↑3) 14th place #WangXin (↑3) 14th place #Aguang (↑3) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
The tweet translates to: "@C_H_TL By the way, what will happen at Toma-sensei's house? The healing shark will twist in with hands as cold as ice 🧊."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "@C_H_TL Cold cold② Wanshin: Weak to cold + Don't touch! Causes an outburst of powers 🧊 Sorry if I freeze you without being able to control it 🧊 Yō: Whoa! That’s an incredibly loud voice. I want you to stop because it’s scary. Kasumi: Gahahahaha! I can't help but laugh. It's cold, and something about it makes me want to laugh, hihikora zehazeha. Kusada: Yikes! Of course, I wake up. Such a cruel thing... *gaze* 🥺" (Note: Some expressions and names may have specific meanings or contexts that could vary based on the characters or situation.)
The tweet translates to: "@C_H_TL The year-round cold-sensitive Wanshin is seeking warmth from other kids and will do this! I will do it, you know!!"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "/ 🌙Introducing the DVD☁ \ The Chinese historical drama 'Ink Rain Between - Beautiful Revenge' featuring the collaboration of Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue is gaining attention. Here’s a sneak peek at the design of the DVD set to be released on May 2nd! ✨✨ Please look forward to it! 📅2025.5.2 DVD sale & rental 🏠 #InkRainBetween #WuJinyan #WangXingyue"
The translation of the tweet text "好きなドラゴン発表お惣菜「ザワンシン」" is "Favorite dragon announcement: side dish 'Zawanshin'."
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/17】 Popular Vote Ranking 17th place #Wanxin (↓4) 17th place #Aguang (↓4) 17th place #Shin (↓4) 17th place #Gao Junhan (↓4) 17th place #Tuo Zui (↓4) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/17】 Popular Vote Ranking 17th place #Wanxin (↓4) 17th place #Aguang (↓4) 17th place #Shin (↓4) 17th place #Gao Junhan (↓4) 17th place #Tuo Zui (↓4) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
#KusunokiDaisukeBirthdayFestival2025 #SameVoiceActorForGoodAndEvil For good, Daisuke Kusunoki as Galaxy Convoy and Heavy Duty; for evil, One-Shin-Ku and Black Convoy. Happy birthday, Daisuke Kusunoki! 🎉🥳
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/16】 Popular vote ranking 13th place #Jinweiji (↓1) 13th place #Dawn (↓1) 13th place #Ricky (↓1) 13th place #Wangxin (↓1) 13th place #Aguang (↓1) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA 2✨ 【3/16】 Popular vote ranking 13th place #Jinweiji (↓1) 13th place #Dawn (↓1) 13th place #Ricky (↓1) 13th place #Wangxin (↓1) 13th place #Aguang (↓1) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia
The tweet translates to: "The assembly of the Ling Wang Sheng Shi (Rinwan Shinshi) is complete. It's wonderful as always with its level of completion without any painting... The ease of assembly has also improved, and the Chinese technology has definitely leveled up! ( *´ω`* )"
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