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今日はトークなし、ゲームコーナーなし全13曲(14だったかな?)ノンストップでみんな汗だくで身体から湯気が出る位全力でパフォーマンス見て身体が震えて涙が溢れた😭 ユンサンの「今日は身体の限界まで僕たちの全てをお見せします」って言葉通りの公演だった👍 L5ST本当に最高‼️
"Today there was no talk, no game corner, just a non-stop performance of 13 songs (or was it 14?). Everyone was sweating so much that steam was coming off our bodies as we gave it our all. My body was shaking and tears were overflowing. 😭 Yunsang's words, 'Today we will show you everything we have until our bodies reach their limit,' truly reflected the performance. 👍 L5ST was really the best‼️"
【L5ST】 The reality survival program "Re:Born" had its first reveal of #L5ST. ★ Performing daily until October 27 ★ Venue: J-stage O! ★ First viewing ⇒ Free admission + one Cheki photo ticket included. ■ A beautiful message in Japanese has arrived from Yunsan! ★ Details ⇒ #rebornboys @Mainbase_ent
【L5ST】 L5ST LIVE in JAPAN - 1st scenario 〜Balance〜 A message has arrived from L5ST member Yunsan✨ The event is ongoing until 10/27 at J-stage O! First-time visitors can enter for free + receive one personal cheki photo. #L5ST #Yunsan ⬇️Details⬇️
【L5ST】 Currently broadcasting on ABEMA and Space Shower TV! #L5ST is also appearing in the reality survival show 'Re:Born' and will be performing daily until October 27! ★ First-time viewers free + one photo with a cheki ★ From left to right: Chanwook ⇒ Yunsang ⇒ Bomsu ⇒ Dojoon ⇒ Kyul ⇒ Sogyum ⇒ Dongkyu ★ Performance details ⇒ #rebornboys
The tweet translates to: "Yunsang-kun is in the fourth group of L5ST (ㅠ︿ㅠ). I've been watching him for a year, and he's really serious about being an idol and is truly dedicated to his activities‼️‼️‼️ That's why I want him to succeed even more as an idol, so I'm spreading the word about him 🤚😄."
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