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Start Date | Mar 15, 2021 |
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【Sword and Flower #2】[Sub] March 20 (Thursday) 19:00 - 2013 Starring: Um Tae-woong, Choi Min-soo, Kim Ok-bin, Lee Jung-shin (CNBLUE), Noh Min-woo, On Joo-wan, Kim Yong-chul, Park Soo-jin #KBS_World_HD #ForeignDrama #JCOMTVProgramGuide tvguide.myjcom.jp/program/141983…
The tweet translates to: "Purple Kiss - Good, right? #PurpleKiss #PURPLE_KISS"
[Purple Kiss] To all our Proories! Thank you for celebrating our 4th anniversary with Purple Kiss 🤗 Please continue to support us and look forward to seeing Purple Kiss grow even more 💜 Love you all 🍀 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…
The translation of the tweet is: "[Purple Kiss] [P.S DIARY] 📷 Behind the scenes of the 4th anniversary of our debut 📷 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…"
"[PURPLE KISS] It's PURKI's Birthday 🥳 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…"
[PURPLE KISS] [P.P.T] P.K's 4th Anniversary Diary 📓💜: Celebrating the 4th anniversary of PURPLE KISS 🎉 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…
[Purple Kiss] ❣️ Purple Kiss's 4th Anniversary Goals 📝 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…
The translation of the tweet is:
The translation of the tweet is: "[Purple Kiss] [#Youtube_Live] Celebrating the 4th anniversary with PURPLE KISS #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…"
[Purple Kiss] 💜 Happy PURPLE KISS Day 💜 💌 A handwritten letter celebrating our 4th anniversary 💌 #PURPLE_KISS #パープルキス x.com/rbw_purplekiss…
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