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Happy Birthday #HanPeiquan🎉🎉 Happy birthday to Ms. 韩佩泉✨✨ She turns 25 years old😘… #Happy_HanPeiquan_day #HappyHanPeiquanday #Chuang2021
Happy BirthDay #HanPeiquan🎉🎉 #韩佩泉 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 韩佩泉さんは25歳になります😘… #Happy_HanPeiquan_day #HappyHanPeiquanday #Chuang2021
The translation of the tweet is: "I think there will be various things now and in the future, but ultimately it comes down to following Teacher Han's teachings. #CreationCamp2021 #HanPeiQuan"
創造営はドラァグクイーンの韩佩泉の 「この世にいる大半の人は私のように臆病で、劣等感に溢れ、希望を失い、諦めようとし、差別され、笑われた人たちだけど、私が諦めなかったということを私が守りたい人たちにこの番組を通じて見せられたからここにきた目的を果たせてる」 って言葉にも感動したわ🏳️🌈
The tweet translates to: "I was moved by the words of drag queen Han Peiquan: 'Most people in this world are like me—timid, filled with feelings of inferiority, losing hope, trying to give up, discriminated against, and laughed at. But I want to show those I want to protect through this program that I didn't give up.' 🏳️🌈"
創造営2025の音楽監督には、同2024と同様にIsaac Hanの名前も。2024の放送当時、課題曲の選曲やアレンジの評判がよかったように記憶しているからこの続投は嬉しい。彼はジャクソンワンのプロデューサーチームの一員でもある
The music director for "Creation Camp 2025" will also include Isaac Han, just like in 2024. I remember that the selection and arrangement of the challenge songs were well-received during the 2024 broadcast, so I'm happy about his continuation. He is also a member of Jackson Wang's production team.
The tweet translates to: "Gen1es - Sick of You song credits: Isaac Han is also a composer and arranger for the signal song 'Summer Dream' of Creation Project 2024."
Isaac Han is one of the producers for Jackson Wang and also served as the music director for "Creation Camp 2024" (I just realized this today…). He also participated in the composition and arrangement of Kep1er - "Daisy" (a masterpiece).
The tweet translates to: "Liu Yu-kun, together with Han Peiquan ✨✨✨ Produce Camp 2021 forever 😭 cr.logo #刘宇 #LiuYu #INTO1"
I couldn't watch Han Peiquan's singing in real time, but it came up on Douyin, and it reminded me of his solo when he was the first performer (leveling) in Produce Camp 2021 😭✨
I saw something happen at my favorite Produce Camp and my heart aches even more when I hear that Teacher Han Peiquan is having a hard time. I can only hope for a resolution to the situation 😢 There have been various things, but personally I have a deep attachment to it. After Produce Camp, I saw Guishangqi's comment on 6/9 and thought everyone had a good relationship 😊 So I hope to see Kiki's or today's Lin Dou's post!
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Han Peiquan