Extreme Debut Wild Idol
Jang Joo Na

Jang Joo Na

チャン ジョナ


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Dec 210--


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Producer PProducer P 3 years ago

極限デビュー野生ドル チャンジョナを応援してます!


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野生ドルとボイプラに出て、ミスティックデビュー予定が直前になくなりプジェに出演、今までどんな気持ちで夢を追いかけてきたのか私には想像出来なさすぎるな... 自信と実力をつけて更にかっこよくなって帰ってきてくれたチャンヨジュンありがとう🥲絶対デビューしよう🥲 pic.x.com/ZOU1vm04Zt

11/22 23:46:47

The tweet translates to: "Having appeared on 'Wild Dollar' and 'Voice Planet', and with the plan for a Mystic debut suddenly canceled right before, I can't even imagine what kind of feelings you've had while chasing your dreams... Thank you, Chan Yojun, for coming back even cooler with more confidence and skill 🥲 Let's definitely debut 🥲 pic.x.com/ZOU1vm04Zt"

11/22 23:46:18

The tweet translates to: "Tonkyo Jona-chan - Jonathon / Tonkyo Jona | Jonathon xfolio.jp/portfolio/jona… #Crossfolio I tried registering for Crossfolio, so please take care of me!"

11/7 00:44:51

頓京条奈チャン - ジョナトン/頓京条奈|ジョナトン xfolio.jp/portfolio/jona… #クロスフォリオ クロスフォリオ登録してみたンでヨロシク

11/7 00:44:02

Here's the translation of the tweet text to English: "Introducing Puje [Jang Yeo-jun] - Bio and Profile of the Wild Idol from Boy Plan ♦️ Height ♦️ Instagram ♦️ Popularity and Rankings of Project 7! ✨ About Jang Yeo-jun-kun #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #장여준 #JANGYEOJUN mariri-express.com/jangyeojun/"

10/28 20:45:20

Here's the translation of the tweet: "Please vote for PROJECT 7's Chan Yojun 🙇‍♀️ He was on Wild Idol and Boys Planet! He is great at both dancing and vocals, and his visuals are top-notch 🥲💖 He is also really caring and very kind to his friends 🙌💕 Thank you so much 🙏 weverse.io/project7/notic…"

10/25 22:50:49

The tweet translates to: "I think Chan Yojun believes that masculinity and sexiness are important for male idols, so he shows a lot of cool looks, but actually, when he starts talking, he's super cute and has excellent maknae qualities as a 2005-born!‼️ This tweet is to shout out about Yojun, who loves Wild Idol and Boys Planet."

10/3 01:20:58

Here’s the translation of the tweet: "My thoughts are fine, but the main point is that Chan Yeo-jun will be appearing in a new show, so I ask all the members of the Dry Bread Group to show him lots of love and interest. I hope that a trustworthy friend who has come along with us from the wild idol days will be able to thrive in the entertainment industry, and I want him to be able to enjoy his activities."

9/26 20:17:23

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