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次回はご飯少なめでオーダーしてみたい ハンバーグもカツカレーも気になったので また機会見つけてお邪魔してみます ご馳走様でした😋🙏✨ #lailai #らいらい #宮崎グルメ
"I want to try ordering less rice next time. I was also curious about the hamburger and katsu curry, so I'll find another opportunity to visit again. Thank you for the meal! 😋🙏✨ #lailai #らいらい #MiyazakiGourmet"
The tweet translates to: "I saw SCOOL and there’s lailai ☺️ He looks more mature compared to when he was in Creation Camp!"
SCOOLみたらlailaiいるやん☺️ 創造営の時と比べると大人っぽい!
創造営2021亡霊の皆様へ!! シンデレラボーイlailaiのscoolでのプロフィールがでましたね🙌✨ 大哥なのか👀✨ #賴耀翔 #SCOOL #赖耀翔 #創造営2021
"Reflection of the dormitory room created without permission" No.1: 201 Initial residents: Monoyasu Shinko, Ichinose Hainiao ・Lin Mo couldn't move in and went wild ・Lailai playing with stuffed animals ・Japanese members' resting place →Ikkougo Iikumi moved →Nikougo Lailai worried about Iikumi →Eisho & Hakuen farewell scene too What do you think of when you hear 201, everyone? #Reflection of the dormitory room created without permission #Creation Dormitory 2021
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