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Happy BirthDay #Lelush🎉🎉 #利路修 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 利路修さんは31歳になります😘 #Happy_Lelush_day #HappyLelushday #Chuang2021
Happy Birthday #Lelush 🎉🎉 Happy birthday, Mr. Lelush! ✨✨ Mr. Lelush is turning 31 years old. 😘 #Happy_Lelush_day #HappyLelushday #Chuang2021
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Iwasaki-kun from the Typro. Personally, I felt a resemblance to Lelouch (Rirushuu). He was bad at both singing and dancing, but he captured the hearts of the fans. (Chupu) I think if he passes in the future, we'll get to see what kind of person he is. Also, I want to cheer him on to do his best despite being bad. His dancing style is similar to Nabeta-kun. #timelesz_project"
タイプロの岩崎くん。 私的にはリルーシュ(利路修)みを感じた。 歌もダンスも下手だったけど、ファンの心を掴んだ男。(中プ) それはこの先受かったら、またどんな子か見えてくると思うけど。 あと下手なりに頑張れって応援したくなる。 踊り方、鍋田くんに似てる。 #timelesz_projec
The tweet mentions several names and hashtags, which can be translated as follows: P1: Zhou Yiran P2: Wang Xingyue P3: Li Xian P4: Li Luxiu #ZhouYiran #LiXian #WangXingyue #LiLuxiu #FashionAndBeauty #VOGUE The text also includes a link to an image ( (Note: The names are transliterations and may not have direct translations.)
I told my recently made Russian friend that I like idols, and they surprised me by asking, "Do you know Lelush?" I thought they had no interest at all, but I ended up talking about "Creation Camp."
The tweet translates to: "It's too amazing 😂 I'm just saying it's the best! But why!? Why are you doing such a great job in Japan? #Lelush #Lelush利路修 #利路修 #最高"
I feel like I'm improving 🤣 Even looking tired makes me look stylish in reverse ← And the last part is perfect 🕺 #Rikimaru #Rishu…
I want it now. Money power zeros like an otaku daughter of a conglomerate attached to Rishu of Creation Business 2021.
"Reflection of the dormitory room created without permission" No.5:205 Initial residents: Andy Ling Xiao ・Ling Xiao, who can also speak English, and Andy share a room ・Ling Xiao, who is close to Andy, often visits ・At 2 o'clock, Ling Xiao and Wang Xiaochen moved in together →The friendship between Ling Xiao and Wang Xiaochen, who were in the same group at 1 o'clock, was shown when they parted ways ✨ What do you think of when you hear 204, everyone? #Reflection of the dormitory room created without permission #Dormitory creation 2021
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