No te rindas , ni tu ni los demás >.<
Let's Add your favorite members and Cheering them 🎉
Start Date | Feb 9, 2022 |
Host Nation | 🇯🇵 |
No te rindas , ni tu ni los demás >.<
love ~ 🌼🐻
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On September 28, 'IDOL RADIO LIVE IN TOKYO' took place at Tokyo Garden Theater, featuring performances from K-POP legends like SUPER JUNIOR and SHINee, alongside rising stars like OCTPATH and BALLISTIK BOYZ. The event included special collaborations and a diverse lineup, captivating K-POP fans with a mix of nostalgia and fresh talent.
OCTPATH announces the joining of Ren Tashima, a former TO1 member, and hints at a group name change in a video, surprising fans. Ren Tashima, who appeared on "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON2," joined TO1 in 2022 and announced his departure in September. Fans are excited about the reunion with a fellow contestant.
Here’s the translation of the tweet: 【3/20 (Thu) Schedule】 □ 9:00-17:55 📻 J-WAVE "J-WAVE HOLIDAY SPECIAL JAPAN SMART DRIVER presents DRIVING YOUR LIFE!" *Live appearance by Kohei Kurita @jwave813fm #jwave □ 23:59-24:54 📺 YTV Drama "#The Me I Don't Know" *Starring Mayu Yotsuya @watashi_ytv #OCTPATH
The tweet translates to: "Naoki Furuse took first place with a significant lead over the second place in the S2 theme song dance. All my friends around me agree. That was just wonderful; if there were a Remifura World Championship, he would definitely take first place. No complaints, everything is perfect."
Every time I rewatch the final episode of "Nippon Project 2," I can't help but cry at the very gentle voice of Nakamura Touma's mother and the soft, kind content of her messages. It's so full of warmth and kindness. It's clear that Nakamura Touma's calm and gentle personality has been nurtured and cherished by this family, and it really touches my heart.
The tweet translates to: "QJWeb, there are also photos on Instagram #KōsukeHonda #NaokiFuruse #OWV #OCTPATH…"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "[OtoKan] I have completed my vote for Naoki Furuse (OCTPATH)! Current vote count: 109 votes. Naoki Furuse: 'Let's spend a time full of happiness together.' You can vote here:… #NaokiFuruse #OCTPATH"
The translation of the tweet is: "Nakamuura Touma properly lines up 8 pieces, BIG LOVE."
"I'm looking for someone to take over my past OCTPATH goods 😿 Since I prefer anonymous transactions, I'm selling them at the lowest price on Mercari, so I'm waiting for your replies 🥹 #OCTPATH #Transaction #Naoki Furuse #Wataru Takahashi"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "[Sound Korea] I have completed my vote for Naoki Furuse (OCTPATH)! Current vote count: 137 votes. Naoki Furuse: 'I can do my best because THme is here! Thank you always ❤ I love you!!' You can vote here:… #NaokiFuruse #OCTPATH"
"I was aimlessly watching TikTok and discovered Naoki Furuse's dance cover... I really love the dance 🫨 Can you dance to SUE-chan's CONNECT or THE FLASH GIRL? (wishful thinking)"
#TheMeIDon'tKnow 📺 YTV drama "The Me I Don't Know" Episode 9 featuring Mayu Yotsuya! 📱 You can catch the missed broadcast on "TVer" here @watashi_ytv OCTPATH 📺 YTV drama "The Me I Don't Know" Episode 9 featuring Mayu Yotsuya.
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Let's Add my favorite members and Cheering them!