今日も一日楽しく過ごしてね( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡サランへ~🤍🎶
開始日 | 2021/06/30 |
開催地域 | 🇰🇷 |
今日も一日楽しく過ごしてね( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡サランへ~🤍🎶
( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡ 항상 정말 감사합니다🤍✨✨
안녕하세요 도유미님.. 일단 제가 한국어를 혼자 공부해서 제 말이 너무 어렵다면 죄송하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶은데 이해해주셨으면 좋겠습니다🤣.. 저희에게 이렇게 큰 행복을 주셔서 감사하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다 내 인생 그리고 온리비에스의 사랑을 너도 느낄 수 있었으면 좋겠어.. 너무 뿌듯하고 항상 잘하고 있어.. 얼굴이나 영상통화로 만날 수 있는 날까지 몸조심해 .. 그 기회가 왔으면 좋겠어 내 사랑을 표현하고 싶어서.. 넌 나의 빛이고 무슨 일이 있어도 항상 응원할게.. 너무 사랑해❤️❤️
안녕하세요 도유미입니다☺️
사실 요즘 제가 힘들고 힘들게 살고 있는데 당신을 보거나 이름만 들어도 제 미소가 활활 타오를거에요😁 지금까지 제 삶에 너무 많은 행복을 주신거 알아주셨으면 좋겠어요 지금 😊 그리고 그걸 알아줬으면 좋겠어.. 언젠가 얼굴이나 영상통화로 만날 수 있는 날까지 몸조심하세요🥰 너무 사랑해요❤️❤️ 너무 잘하고 있고 더 성장할 거라 믿어요 앞으로도 그리고 나는 항상 당신을 위해 거기에 있을 것입니다❣️
Hi Doyum, i hope you're doing great now.. Please don't be sick anymore because i am so worried about that.. Please take care yourself, rest well, eat well and sleep well okay😊.. Don't worry about other thing because you're doing good until now.. Even i've never had a chance to meet you or call you i hope you know there someone name "Dee" always will support you even you don't even know me😭.. I am really hope some day i can talk to you or meet you and tell you how much i love you since first day i saw you(u19) until now.. I was so devastated when now your previous group was disband and i am so happy and proud when know you're debut in other group.. Thank you so much for coming back and doesn't give up easily🙏.. You're my light, my little sunshine.. Hope you're doing good and don't work too hard.. If you think need to rest just take your time okay.. Love from Malaysia❤️
First of all, congratulations on your comeback👏.. I hope you take care, be safe and healthy, eat good food, get rest well during the promotion 😊.. I hope you can enjoy the stage more and more and interact with the fans during the stage😉😜.. I am so grateful because you do not give up your dream.. Thank you so much for being in my life and give me so much happiness Doyum-ahhh ❤️.. I hope i also can give you some happiness and energy eventhough we are far away😁.. I also hope you can get new fan and please please show your charms to them😌.. You doing great Doyum-ahhh and stop worrying about anything okay👌.. I will always support you infinity❤️ and always smile because you're so precious to me🙏.. Love from Malaysia
I hope you always take care, be healthy, be happy and always bring your bright energy during concert, promotion or not.. Please be remember that i will always be there to support you..
日韓の新人アーティストが参加する「2024 Weverse Con Festival」の出演アーティストラインナップ第1弾が発表された。TWS、ILLIT、BOYNEXTDOOR、&TEAM、fromis_9、Billlie、JUST B、JD1などが出演する。昨年の印象的なパフォーマンスを披露した人気アーティストも含まれており、ファンの期待が高まっている。HYBEは「Weverse Con Festival」の入場券を割引価格で購入できる「アーリーバードチケット」をオープンする。English Summary of 100 characters or less: "2024 Weverse Con Festival" lineup includes TWS, ILLIT, BOYNEXTDOOR, &TEAM, fromis_9, Billlie, JUST B, JD1.
JUST Bが初の単独ファンミーティング「2024 JUST B 1st Fanmeeting <READY, BURN!> in SEOUL」を来年1月28日に開催する。オン&オフラインで行われ、新年のあいさつや活動振り返りのステージが予定されている。彼らは今年4thミニアルバム「÷(NANUGI)」のタイトル曲「MEDUSA」で活動し、キャロルソング「I luv you Merry Christmas」も発売した。またアメリカ、サウジアラビア、日本でのステージに立ち、世界中のファンに会った。英文要約: JUST B will hold their first solo fan meeting "2024 JUST B 1st Fanmeeting <READY, BURN!> in SEOUL" on January 28th next year. It will be held both online and offline, featuring New Year's greetings and a retrospective of their activities. They have been active with their 4th mini album "÷(NANUGI)" and recently released their first carol song "I luv you Merry Christmas". They have also performed on stages in the US, Saudi Arabia, and Japan, meeting fans from around the world.
イムジミンの私がやったんか?というくらい大きさ違ってて面白い🤣1カット目事故ってる? ゴヌくんはめちゃうまいな pic.x.com/u0FAQnZfOf
譲 ジャスビ JUSTB イムジミン サイン入りポラロイド 一枚3000円〜6000円 東京大阪ファンミーティング現場手渡し可能 #JUSTB #ジャスビ #イムジミン #LIMJIMIN pic.x.com/JUUFtBwXgo
ホソクセンチュ🫶🫶🫶 ジミンちゃんの声久しぶりすぎて🥲🩷🩷🩷🩷
メルカリに出品されている韓国関連商品などを紹介中!!!PR 商品名: セール中…イム・ジミン直筆サイン入り2Lサイズ写真…JUST B… 販売価格: 12780円 jp.mercari.com/item/m41505069…
イムジミンくん!!この方のダンス好きなんだよ〜🎵嬉しいな✨スカイのアンパンマンめっちゃバズっててスゴイ👏👏 vt.tiktok.com/ZSMRRTaGL/
ベインくんの生歌も聴けるかなあ イムジミン氏の筋肉も生で見れるてことやんな
まさかのイムジミンがアンパンマン体操ツカメ踊ってるw x.com/justb_official…
JUSTB photoism フレームのみ 交換 【譲】画像1枚目 イムジミン 【求】 サンウ フレームのみ1枚分 郵送による交換を希望しています。DM or リプライお待ちしております。 pic.x.com/QGJ3h6ESaR
【JUST B交換】 求:ゴヌ左下 譲:イムジミン、ベイン、シウ、ドヨム、サンウ 2024ファンミのハートになるゴヌの左下を探しています。 2/22東京ファンミで交換できる方、ご連絡くださいー 2024팬미팅 포카 왼쪽아래 건우를 찾습니다.오는 2월22일 일본 도쿄 팬미팅에서 교환 가능하시는 분 DM주세용~ pic.x.com/2A3WnBdVQ6
ボムギュの仲良い01集団 アイエン、ヒスン、イムジミン、ウノ 🆕ソンチャンってこと?