iKONが2024年2月に東京で2日間限りの日本ファンミーティングを開催する。ジナンを除く5人での開催となる。彼らは10月に大阪でのワールドツアーを成功裏に終えたばかり。ファンミーティングに関する詳細は後日発表される。また、iKONは東京タワーでポップアップイベントを実施する予定。ジナンは7月に入隊し、今回のファンミーティングは彼を除いた5人での開催となる見込み。[] 2024年!! iKON JAPAN FAN MEETING開催決定! 2024年2月16日(金)2024年2月17日(土) 2024年もiKONと楽しい時間を過ごしましょう その他情報は下記、OFFICIAL SITEでチェックお願いいたしますhttps://t.co/cjPpmqfnyf #iKON #아이콘#JAY #SONG #BOBBY#DK #JU_NE #CHAN pic.twitter.com/1wpwq2rvSM— iKON GLOBAL iKONIC (@iKONIC_143) December 5, 2023
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I'm sure the fans are happy to see Chan posting the letter like that and knowing it has properly reached us. 😭✨ I also received a joyful message from my friend! It makes me happy too! TO1 is always the best! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗"
TO1のメンバーが今でも日本語を話してくれるのが嬉しい ギョンホくんは僕の日本語は悪い(上手じゃない)と謙遜していて チャンさんは日本語天才です!と言うのもそれぞれの個性が出ていて面白いしかわいい😊 #티오원 #TO1 #찬 #CHAN #IRI #장경호 #JANG_KYUNGHO #경호 #KYUNGHO
ネクタイを緩めてまた結ぶところを見せてくれたけど、一度目は綺麗に結べなくて2回目で成功してた✨ TO1メンバーの名前もたくさん出てきたけど、最後はジェユンが…とか言ったところで突然終わった気がする💦 とりあえずかっこいいチャンさんを見られたからいいかな☺️ #찬 #CHAN #IRI pic.x.com/GkcSLnrDGS
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I suddenly thought for the first time that because TO1 disbanded, there are fans who got to meet Kyungho. They will listen to and watch TO1 for the first time and will love all of Kyungho's past. There are people and experiences that came about because of the disbandment. It's not just Kyungho; there's Ren-ta, Je-yun, Yo-yo, Dae-go, Je-yu, Chan, Ji-su, and Dong-gon too."
ふっと初めて思った TO1が解散したからこそギョンホに出会えたファンの方々がいて 初めてTO1を聞いたり見たりして過去のギョンホ丸ごとこれから愛してくれるんだ 解散したから出会えた人、出来たこと ギョンホだけじゃない、 蓮汰も ジェユンも ヨヨも 大悟も ジェユも チャンも ジスも、 ドンゴンも pic.x.com/I9ZhWeYOBd
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Trading and buying trading cards. Offering: [image]. Looking for: P1Harmony Intak (I will consider anything ☺︎). Prefer to buy via mail 📮. WayV Hendery, Kun, Yangyang, NCT 127 Yuta, Johnny, EPEX Yewon, ampers&one Siyoon, TWICE Momo, TO1 Chang Donggun, Yeojeong, Giho, Seoul, Jeongsop." (Note: "トレカ" refers to trading cards, and "譲" means "offering" while "求" means "looking for.")
The tweet translates to: "Trading and buying trading cards. Offering: [image]. Looking for: P1Harmony Intak (I will consider anything ☺︎). Buying, prefer shipping 📮. WayV Hendery, Kun, Yangyang, NCT 127 Yuta, Johnny, EPEX Yewon, Ampers&One Siyoon, TWICE Momo, TO1 Chang Donggun, Yeojeong, Giho, Seoul, Jeongsop." (Note: The link at the end appears to be a URL for an image.)
Here is the translation of the tweet: "[Random My Event Results] 1st place: ryodan🐰4386🎹😇 President 2nd place: tiara_to_1sho-chan 3rd place: kanae🌹music🎹🍷✨ Teacher 4th place: kutsumi115-chan 5th place: maharochan 17th place: ☔ameri🎹electone🍫-chan Congratulations 🎉 And thank you ✨ Something delicious, or ⇒"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Trading and buying trading cards. Offering: [image]. Looking for: P1Harmony Intak (I will consider anything ☺︎). Buying, prefer shipping 📮. WayV Hendery, Kun, Yangyang, NCT 127 Yuta, Johnny, EPEX Yewon, Ampers&One Siyoon, TWICE Momo, TO1 Chang Donggun, Yeojeong, Giho, Seoul, Jeongsop." (Note: The links and images are not translated as they are specific references.)
The tweet translates to: "I don't know much about TO1, but does that mean that Chan and J.U. are now civilians since they went to military service right after their contract with Wack One ended? Will we no longer be able to see them singing and dancing... Idols are so fragile and fleeting..."
The tweet translates to: "Looks like they're investigating the Nankai Trough... Hey, hey, I also need to keep an eye on Kobayashi Daigo's activities in 2025, and I'm really curious about former TO1 members Chan and Donggon. Plus, I have to get excited for SnowMan's 5th anniversary. Us fans are busy, so please, earthquake plates, stay quiet~"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "To1 exchange, purchase, and transfer of To1 goods: Chan, Jis, Jayu, Donggon, Jeyun, Yojong, Daigo, Kyungho. Looking to buy, all images ▶︎ 1300 + shipping. PayPay, Merpay, Mercari, and Yahoo Flea Market are available. If using the app, there will be an additional fee. Individual sales are okay. Please let me know your desired amount! I want to sell out, so prices are below Mercari's low prices. 🙆♀️ pic.x.com/2rJvPIFq5j"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Trading and buying trading cards. Offering: [image]. Looking for: P1Harmony Intak (I will consider anything ☺︎). Buying, shipping preferred 📮. WayV Hendery, Kun, Yangyang, NCT 127 Yuta, Johnny, EPEX Yewon, Ampers&one Siyun, Makaya, TWICE Momo, TO1 Chang Donggun, Yeojeong, Giho, Seoul, Jeongsop."
#Mikeneko ① Mike-Chan is on her way to 1 Million!✨✨ So, here are my top videos and streams! I highly recommend watching! ✨ 【#Mikeneko 3D Debut LIVE】Celebration☆ Finally achieving my long-awaited 3D! I will dance and sing! 【Mikeneko】⤵️ youtube.com/live/E4W-_FayU…
The tweet translates to: "Chifun Chang's rap, Jeyun Donggon's vocals, Kyungho's dance, Jayu's face, Eungi and Jisoo's entertainment sense, and Mins and Jerome's cuteness all came together in T.O1, and I really think they were a miraculous group. 😭 (Suddenly feeling nostalgic)"