チョ ミンソさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
アジアチャンピオンシップ、韓国代表のチョミンソ君、ずっと楽しそうだし表彰式でもちゃんと相手を称えてて素晴らしい。 #ベイブレードX
The tweet translates to: "In the Asian Championship, South Korean representative Chominso looks like he's having a great time, and he properly praised his opponent during the award ceremony, which is wonderful. #BeybladeX"
"I'm watching the archive, and I understand why player Chominso is becoming a topic of conversation, lol."
The tweet translates to: "It was exciting to see that Chominso showed that simply playing defensively is not the only answer by achieving results with a go-for-it style."
チョミンソがガンガン行こうぜのスタイルで結果を残したことで 守りに入るだけが答えじゃないと示したのが熱かった
"Chominso player, amazing job! 🥉 Dragoon E was strong! Congratulations! 🍾"
"Chominso in third place! They were strong by consistently asserting their strengths and maintaining control of the pace."
チョミンソ三位! 常に自分の強みを押し付けてペースを握り続けたのが強かったな
The tweet translates to "I can support player Chominseong."
The tweet translates to "Player Chominso is fun!"
文乃ちゃんユニバースチケットの楽曲使ってる………ってことはUNISの歌も知ってそうだな🥹キオプ、QWER、ユニチケ、WJSNチョコミ、、、文乃ちゃんのK-POPチョイスって絶妙すぎて本当に玄人感がハンパない(笑)公園少女とか確実に好きそうである。 pic.x.com/dA0ckqn6Vq