チョ ヨヌさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
The tweet appears to be a list of names, likely referring to individuals, possibly in the context of a group or event. Here’s the translation of the names mentioned: "Son Min, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yu Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Deung-hae-seol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae." The link at the end seems to direct to a specific tweet or post. If you need further context or details about the names, please let me know!
ソンミン パク ヒョングン ペ スンユン ペ ジェホ ボク ダニエル サンタ ソ サンウ ソウル ソン ドゥヒョン シリュウ アイバン ヤヤ オ ビョンヨン オ ヒョンテ ユウマ ユ ジュンウォン イ ハンビン チョン ビョンチョル チョン グヒョン チョン ドゥンヘソル チョン ボムン チョ ヨヌ ジン ミョンジェ x.com/oe_kuro_ll/sta…
《韓国語で自己紹介》 「저는 방탄소년단 황금막내 전정군 임니다.」 (チョヌン バmタンソニョンダン ファングmマンネ チョンジョングク イmニダ) こちら、伝説のファングンマンネさんの愛嬌自己紹介ですね😊 韓国語で「私は」は「저는(チョヌン)」…
Here’s the translation of the tweet text: "《Self-introduction in Korean》 'I am the golden maknae of BTS, Jeon Jungkook.' (Choneun Bangtan Sonyeondan Hwanggeum Maknae Jeon Jeongguk imnida) This is the charming self-introduction of the legendary maknae! 😊 In Korean, 'I am' is '저는 (Choneun)'..."
The tweet appears to be a list of names, possibly of people, followed by a link. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Pe Seung-yoon, Pe Jeho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yu Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Dun-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae" The link at the end seems to lead to a specific tweet or post.
The tweet appears to be a list of names, possibly of people, along with a link at the end. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yoo Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Deung-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae x.com/oe_kuro_ll/sta…" Since it is primarily a list of names, there isn't much context or meaning beyond that.
The tweet appears to be a list of names, likely of individuals, possibly related to a group or event. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yoo Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byung-chul, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Deung-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae" The link at the end seems to lead to a tweet or post, but without additional context, it's difficult to provide more information.
Happy Birthday #CHOYEONWOO🎉🎉 Happy birthday, Mr. Choyonu✨✨ Mr. Choyonu is turning 20 years old😘 kpopjuice.com/member/cho_yeo… #Happy_CHOYEONWOO_day #HappyCHOYEONWOOday #FANTASYBOYS
The tweet appears to be a list of names, possibly of individuals, along with a link at the end. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Seong Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yu Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Dun-hae-seol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae x.com/oe_kuro_ll/sta…" Since it is primarily a list of names, the translation remains largely the same. The link at the end is likely a reference to a specific tweet or content on Twitter.
The tweet appears to be a list of names, likely referring to individuals, possibly in the context of a group or event. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yu Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Dun-hae-seol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae" The link at the end seems to point to a tweet or post, but without additional context, it's difficult to provide more information.
The tweet translates to: "Choyonu-chan is so cute... her bangs... the hat and scarf suit her well ☺"
The tweet appears to be a list of names, likely of individuals, possibly related to a group or event. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seo Dong-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yoo Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byeong-cheol, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Deung-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae" The link at the end seems to point to a tweet or a post, but without access to the content of that link, I can't provide further context.
The tweet appears to be a list of names, likely referring to individuals, possibly in the context of a group or event. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Bae Seung-yoon, Bae Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seo Dong-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yoo Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byung-chul, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Dun-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-woo, Jin Myung-jae" The link at the end seems to refer to a specific tweet or post.
✨🔍✨ The BTS light stick that appeared in the writing style. On the morning of the 11th, along with Cho Gye-won, Democratic Party lawmakers held the #방탄소년단 (#BTS) light stick that the MZ generation brought to the candlelight vigil during the Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul. news1.kr/photos/7031881 x.com/borabtsbora/st…
The tweet seems to be a list of names, possibly of people, followed by a link. Here’s the translation of the text: "Sonmin, Park Hyung-gun, Pe Seung-yoon, Pe Je-ho, Bok Daniel, Santa, So Sang-woo, Seoul, Song Doo-hyun, Shiryuu, Aivan, Yaya, Oh Byung-yeon, Oh Hyun-tae, Yuma, Yu Jun-won, Lee Han-bin, Jeon Byung-chul, Jeon Gu-hyun, Jeon Dun-hae-sol, Jeon Bum-un, Cho Yeon-u, Jin Myung-jae" The link appears to lead to a Twitter post.