チェ ソンウンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"I watched 'Startup!' It’s cool how, despite being weak in power and social status, they can act without caring about appearances for the sake of someone important to them. Above all, Mabry is just the best 🫶 Charming yet violent and one of a kind! LOL. Jung Hae-in and Chae Seung-woon are super cute, especially in the uniforms at the end!"
「スタートアップ!」を観ました! 力や社会的立場は弱いんだけど、大切な人のためを想ってなりふり構わず行動できるのがかっこいいですね〜。 なんと言ってもマブリー🫶 チャーミングかつバイオレンスで唯一無二!笑笑 チョン・ヘインとチェ・ソンウンがめっちゃ可愛い〜、特にラストの制服! pic.x.com/UiHhA40mIT
"Starring Ju Ji-hoon in '#Along with the Gods'! 'Gentleman' 🗓️ 3/10 (Monday) ⏲️ 10:45 AM ✨ ▶️ bs10.jp/star/movie/det… 🔴 A thrilling crime entertainment that follows the case-solving of a detective who claims a '100% success rate' 🔴 Unpredictable twists and turns! 🔴 Co-starring Park Sung-woong, Choi Sung-woon, and others." pic.x.com/rnFh5rY3pE
『#神と共に』のチュ・ジフン主演! 『ジェントルマン』 🗓️3/10(月)⏲️あさ 10:45✨ ▶️bs10.jp/star/movie/det… 🔴“成功率100%”を自称する探偵の事件解決を追う痛快クライムエンターテインメント 🔴二転三転する展開が予測不能! 🔴共演はパク・ソンウン、チェ・ソンウンなど pic.x.com/rnFh5rY3pE
The tweet translates to: "Reservations are now being accepted for 'We Want to Work but Can't' by Che Seong-woon, translated by Sonoko Osanai! sekaishisosha.jp/book/b659871.h…"
チェ・ソンウン著・小山内園子訳『働きたいのに働けない私たち』 ご予約受付中です! sekaishisosha.jp/book/b659871.h…
"I'm watching the Universe ticket, but Che Ryung and Yeji, who came as coaches, are just too good, seriously ITZY... 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm feeling it!"
ユニバースチケットみてるけどコーチ?としてきたチェリョンとイェジが良すぎてまじでitzy………🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 てなってる
Here is the translation of the tweet text: "Table of contents included. 'Are women excluded from investment? Do women enjoy working part-time? Highly educated women with children in South Korea are leaving the labor market. Society continues to lose capable talent, ...' ⇒ Translated by Choi Seong-woon / Sonoko Osanai 'We Who Want to Work but Cannot' Sekaishisosha sekaishisosha.jp/book/b659871.h…"
目次あり。「女性は投資の対象外? 女性は好きでパートをしている!? 韓国の子持ち高学歴女性は労働市場から退場していく。社会は有能な人材を失い続け、…」 ⇒チェ・ソンウン/小山内園子訳 『働きたいのに働けない私たち』 世界思想社 sekaishisosha.jp/book/b659871.h…
"I can't wait for the release date. 'We Want to Work but Can't' by Choi Sung-woon, translated by Sonoko Osanai, Sekaishiso-sha."
発売日が待ち遠しい。 チェ・ソンウン著『働きたいのに働けない私たち』小山内園子 訳 世界思想社 x.com/sonzaru/status…
The tweet translates to: "Even after desperately overcoming the hurdles of exams, internships, and job tests, we are treated as 'girls,' with marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth used as weaknesses, and we are unjustly excluded from professional life as if it were our own choice. I am preparing a translation of a Korean humanities book that questions this. The author is Choi Seong-un. The Japanese title is 'We Who Want to Work but Can't.'"
The tweet translates to: "[Square] (All 8 episodes) Introduction to the Korean drama. Directed by Choi Sung-woon, who gained attention for the action drama 'TONG ~Memories~' based on a webcomic. ☆ The readers' virtual cast number one is So Ji-sub, who started as a model in 1995... navi ..."