Coming soon ...
CHUANG Asia S2 Creation Camp 2025 First Batch Trading Cards 【Looking for】 KK, DAVID, XIONG or purchase 【Offering】 the items in the image. I'm basically looking for exchanges of the same type as shown in the third image. I'm particularly looking for LR (selfie) cards 🙇♀️. Exchanges are preferred, but for purchases, it's 200 yen per card + shipping. I look forward to your messages 🌟 #CreationCampTradingCardExchange #CHUANGAsiaS2 pic.x.com/MYetzJRE5H
CHUANG Asia S2 創造営 2025 第1弾 トレカ 【求】 KK・DAVID・XIONG or 買取 【譲】画像のもの 画像3枚目は基本的に同種交換で探しています。 LR(セルフィー )特に求めています🙇♀️ 交換優先ですが買取の場合は 200円/枚+送料 です。ご連絡お待ちしております🌟 #創造営トレカ交換 #CHUANGAsiaS2 pic.x.com/MYetzJRE5H
トレカ 第2弾 交換 買取 創造営2025 Chuang Asia season2 求:HIKARU 第2弾トレカ6box購入済みです。枠交換・買取させていただける方いましたらお気軽にお声掛けください🙇♀️✨ 枠交換済み〆(LYU/HIKARI/KOSHIN/KOHI/XIONG/DAVID/KK/THI-O/SHEN/YAOZIHAO/XIN/LIZI/PRAY/LUJUNXI/XIAONIAN)…
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Trading cards 2nd series Exchange Purchase Chuang Asia 2025 Season 2 Looking for: HIKARU I have already purchased 6 boxes of the 2nd series trading cards. If anyone is willing to exchange or buy, please feel free to reach out 🙇♀️✨ Exchange completed〆 (LYU/HIKARI/KOSHIN/KOHI/XIONG/DAVID/KK/THI-O/SHEN/YAOZIHAO/XIN/LIZI/PRAY/LUJUNXI/XIAONIAN)..."
CHUANG ASIA S2 創造営 トレカ枠交換させていただける方お声がけください☺︎ 【求】 KK・DAVID・XIONG 【譲】 HIKARU・LYU・HIKARI以外 第2弾購入済みです。 #CHUANGAsiaS2 #創造営トレカ交換 #創造営トレカ #CHUANGAsia
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Those who can exchange CHUANG ASIA S2 trading cards, please reach out to me ☺︎ 【Looking for】 KK, DAVID, XIONG 【Offering】 HIKARU, LYU, and anything other than HIKARI. I have already purchased the second round. #CHUANGAsiaS2 #TradingCardExchange #TradingCards #CHUANGAsia"
CHUANG ASIA S2 創造営 トレカ買取させていただける方お声がけください。 【求】 KK・DAVID・XIONG #CHUANGAsiaS2 トレカ購入済みのため手元に届き次第交換ポストもさせていただきます🙇♀️
The tweet translates to: "Those who can sell trading cards for CHUANG ASIA S2, please reach out to me. 【Looking for】 KK, DAVID, XIONG #CHUANGAsiaS2 Since I have already purchased the trading cards, I will also post for exchanges as soon as they arrive 🙇♀️"
1週間遅れの創造営EP5の感想 •朝食も昼食も夕食も卵なの? •DAVID騎馬戦開始直後から疲れてるのに生き残っててすごい •JEFFがMVPな気がする •バスケ、PEANUTS も活躍してかっこよかったけど、KEVINも頑張ってたし最後しんみりさせる担当して活躍 •オレンジチームが大きな筋肉誇ってるの好き
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Thoughts on the delayed episode 5 of 'Creation Camp' one week late: • Is breakfast, lunch, and dinner all eggs? • It's amazing that DAVID is still surviving even though he looked tired right after the start of the cavalry battle. • I feel like JEFF is the MVP. • BASKETBALL and PEANUTS were cool and did well, but KEVIN also worked hard and played a role in making the ending emotional. • I like that the orange team is showing off their big muscles."
When it comes to language in the international survival show, it's David-sensei✨ After the creation camp, he appeared on cultural programs, attended international conferences, won an award for his kanbun calligraphy at a Japanese calligraphy exhibition, assisted during the visit of a Nobel Prize winner to China, and now he is a Russian who is fluent in Japanese and studying abroad in the United States from China😆✨ #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsiaS2EP4 #創造営2021 pic.x.com/RYZE6GMyE8
国際サバ番での言語といえばDavid老師✨創造営後も文化番組でたり、国際会議出たり、日本の書展(習字展)に漢文の書入賞したり、ノーベル賞受賞者中国訪問時のアテンドしたり、そして今は中国からアメリカ留学中の日本語も堪能なロシア人ですね😆✨ #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsiaS2EP4 #創造営2021 pic.x.com/RYZE6GMyE8
I absolutely love this song too!! 🥺 I really like that "Sōzōei" has a variety of songs, not just HIPHOP... I'm a huge fan of ballads 🥹 The stage production is also really beautiful 🌃✨✨ It's great that KOSHIN, who is Japanese, is in the center!! ✨ I also like David... even though his ranking is low, keep it up! 😭✨ youtu.be/TLSCZzuO7u0?si…
Stage EP03: KOSHIN, YU CHEN, DAVID, DUY, WEIZHI, REXY - I Love You But Can't Say It (HARD TO ...) youtu.be/TLSCZzuO7u0?si… via @YouTube I feel like there are a lot of people with high singing skills in this episode of the creation camp.
Stage EP03: KOSHIN, YU CHEN, DAVID, DUY, WEIZHI, REXY - HARD TO SAY [CHU... youtu.be/TLSCZzuO7u0?si… @YouTube] Nostalgic Koshin!! The 2021 creation camp was really interesting (the special edition with the tag game? or the detective game? was really fun, lol). I'm looking forward to watching this one too~