Reborn POPUP 交換 譲) ELAST AIMERS DKB 求)EASTSHINE ドンジェ Ver.A探してないです😭 お心当たりのある方はリプもしくはDMでご連絡ください😌 #REBORN #rebornboys #dkb #EASTSHINE #ELAST pic.x.com/mHZdh4ryn6
Reborn POPUP EASTSHINE Dongjae (DONGJAE) I am looking for someone who can buy various items or unopened ones at the regular price + shipping (+ handling fee) (on behalf of me) 💭 #reborn #rebornboys #リボーン #AIMERS #DKB #DXMON #EASTSHINE #ELAST
Reborn POPUP EASTSHINE ドンジェ(DONGJAE) 定価+送料(+手数料)にて各種もしくは未開封にて買取させて(代行して)頂ける方を探してます💭 #reborn #rebornboys #リボーン #AIMERS #DKB #DXMON #EASTSHINE #ELAST
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/rygckchsqk 225136
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky PerfecTV) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/rygckchsqk 214637
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) at 22:00 Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/rygckchsqk 204140
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/74bvsm5bkn 184414
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky PerfecTV) ・ABEMA (Online) 9/27 (Fri) 22:00~ Viewing method is below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/tggskeu5yj 184051
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (SkyPerfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/74bvsm5bkn 163414
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/tggskeu5yj 163052
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (SkyPerfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/74bvsm5bkn 142414
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/tggskeu5yj 142053
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing methods are below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/74bvsm5bkn 121414
#ReBorn ・Space Shower TV (Sky Perfect) ・ABEMA (Online) September 27 (Friday) 22:00~ Viewing method is below ↓ ▶️x.gd/uSScsW #EASTSHINE IEL, Yongkwang, Karis, Dongje, Hyun, Lumin, Phoenix East Shine pic.x.com/tggskeu5yj 121051
The translated text is: "20240818 EASTSHINE Photo time DONGJAE❤️ Why is he so cool✨ #DONGJAE #동재 #EASTSHINE #イーストシャイン @eastshine_tment pic.x.com/r7eizgkfmk"