Coming soon ...
2024年、E'LASTのWonHyukというアイドルがどれだけ私をハッピーにしてくれたかを考えたら、もう来るとこまできたっつーことです👼 ヒョクがくれた愛に、ずっと応援するという愛を返すこと意外、オタクとして選択する道はないです。 来年の初日の出をみる頃、私は新しくなると思います😃 x.com/minamina_elast…
In 2024, when I think about how much happiness the idol WonHyuk from E'LAST has brought me, I realize I've come a long way 👼 The only path I can choose as a fan is to return the love that Hyuk has given me with my unwavering support. By the time I see the first sunrise of the new year, I believe I will have transformed 😃 x.com/minamina_elast…
2024年の始まりは違うグループを推してて まだELASTには出会ってなくて。 5月のリンケで初めてELASTを見て一目惚れして🥹そこから私のELRING生活が始まった🩷ELASTに出会えた事、ELRINGに出会えた事は私にとって大切な宝物💫 2024ありがとう🩷 来年もずっとWONHYUKが大好きです🩷 #elast #wonhyuk pic.x.com/5qGexOhIBe
The beginning of 2024 was spent supporting a different group, and I hadn't met ELAST yet. I first saw ELAST at the Link event in May and fell in love at first sight 🥹 From there, my ELRING life began 🩷 Meeting ELAST and becoming part of ELRING is a precious treasure for me 💫 Thank you, 2024 🩷 I will always love WONHYUK next year too 🩷 #elast #wonhyuk pic.x.com/5qGexOhIBe
1/11 MUSICART E'LAST 시즌 그리팅 シーグリ 영통 ヨントン 폴라로이드 ポラロイド 譲(저) 백결 BAEKGYEUL 求(님) 원혁 WONHYUK 同種(スーツ)同士での交換を探しています🙇🏻♀️ 条件の合う方お気軽にご連絡ください。 #ELAST #엘라스트 #エラスト #원혁 #WONHYUK #백결 #BAEKGYEUL
Wonhyuk has black hair~ It looks like for the musical. But it's amazing! He's playing the role of Dimitru in "Bloody Love" alongside seniors like Hui👏👏👏 [UNLOCK] Ep.107 E'LAST 'WINTER PARTY in JAPAN' behind the scenes youtu.be/DInrdn42ce8?si… via @YouTube
この時のヒョクちゃんもかっこよくて好きだなぁ♡ [COVER] 가호(Gaho) - 시작|Cover by WONHYUK(원혁) of E'LAST(엘라스트) youtu.be/Uh4p5Lo0cDs?si… @YouTubeより
Wonhyukが黒髪~ミュージカル仕様ですね。 でも、すごいなぁ。フイ先輩とかと並んでBloody LoveでDimitru役ですって👏👏👏 [UNLOCK] Ep.107 E'LAST(엘라스트) 'WINTER PARTY in JAPAN' 비하인드 youtu.be/DInrdn42ce8?si… @YouTubeより
E'LAST ELAST 엘라스트 エラスト WINTERPARTY トレカ 交換 譲 ベッキョル ウォンヒョク ウォンジュン イェジュン 백결 원혁 원준 예준 求 ラノ ロミン 라노 로민 リプまたはdmまでお願いいたします。 同部交換希望。 pic.x.com/jJ4DrqGQsU
Here's the translation of the tweet: "E'LAST ELAST WINTER PARTY trading cards Offering: Baekkyul, Wonhyuk, Wonjun, Yejun Looking for: Rano, Romi Please reply or DM me. I hope to exchange within the same group." (Note: The names mentioned are likely members of the K-pop group E'LAST.)
The translation of the tweet is: "Elast's Wonhyuk's style was amazing."
Here's the translation of the tweet text: "ReBorn Rebornboys Reborn POPUP Exchange Purchase DKB ELAST DXMON AIMERS EASTSHINE Wanted: E'LAST (WONHYUK as top priority) > DXMON HEE Or purchase (please indicate your desired amount) Offering: See image Inter-species exchanges are possible. I prefer shipping. Please feel free to reply or DM me."
The tweet translates to: "That E'LAST member Wonhyuk is currently performing in a musical in the same role as Woohyun, and it seems that all the members went to watch it together, which is so precious! I wonder if they filmed any videos or something ^^?"
The tweet translates to: "E'LAST ELAST WINTER PARTY trading cards Offering: Baekkyul, Wonhyuk, Wonjun, Yejun Looking for: Rano, Romi Please reply or DM me. I hope to trade within the same group." pic.x.com/IyIuOJmuUG
I'm so happy about the meeting between Hyukmitul and Elasto❣️ Please continue to show a lot of interest and love for Wonhyuk as he shows us more of his growth🙇❤️ #ELAST #엘라스트 #エラスト x.com/elastofficial/…