Coming soon ...
gen1esのエマとお隣なのマジでありがとう!!!勝手にビックマンネズと呼んでる👶🏻🍼 pic.x.com/XU3wAO9W1C
The translation of the tweet is: "Thank you so much for being next to Emma from gen1es!!! I've been calling her Big Man Nezu on my own 👶🏻🍼"
The translation of the tweet text is: "[📸] 28012025 Emma Weibo Update: The sense of ceremony has grown up (2) Elf Girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/oNhbAXXqBg"
[📸] 28012025 Emma Weibo Update เซนส์ของพิธีการโตเป็นผู้ใหญ่ (2) 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/oNhbAXXqBg
[📸] 17012025 Emma Weibo Update 🙌🏻 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/aS5yneJVbR
The translation of the tweet text is: "[📸] 17012025 Emma Weibo Update 🙌🏻 Fairy Girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/aS5yneJVbR"
The tweet translates to: "[📸] 12012025 Emma Weibo Update 🧸 Fairy Girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/rIJmBZsj4j" (Note: The hashtags and links are kept as they are since they are specific identifiers and URLs.)
[📸] 12012025 Emma Weibo Update 🧸 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/rIJmBZsj4j
[📸] 09012025 Emma Weibo Update 📣📣 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/r9EOE5fstr
[📸] 09012025 Emma Weibo Update 📣📣 Elf Girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/512… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/r9EOE5fstr
The translation of the Japanese tweet text to English is: "[📸] 02012025 Emma Weibo Update: Twin braids! Elf girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/511… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/tlIPsjF9Hm"
[📸] 02012025 Emma Weibo Update เปียคู่! 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/511… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/tlIPsjF9Hm
[📸] 02012025 Emma Weibo Update เปียคู่! (2) 精灵少女Gen1es_Emma朱奕萌 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/511… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/eDzy6P20wC
The tweet translates to: "[📸] 02012025 Emma Weibo Update: Twin braids! (2) Elf girl Gen1es_Emma Zhu Yimeng 🔗 weibo.com/7857006582/511… #EmmaZhu #ZhuYimeng #朱奕萌 #Gen1es pic.x.com/eDzy6P20wC"
好評を博している日本人練習生は誰なんだろうと気になっていたんだけど、あれは小松倖真さんなんだ。Gen1esでもっともダンススキルの高いEmmaがプラカードを上げて褒めているところも興味深い pic.x.com/7lAIIALlqe