趣味 | 映画見ること・笑うこと |
特技 | ネイル・料理 |
Coming soon ...
"I'm rewatching Nonoga, but no matter how many times I see it, it's really tough to see FUKA fall (TT). During Black Diamond, she was amazing at both singing and dancing, and above all, she was so cute!! I hope I can see her somewhere again~"
ノノガ見返してるけど何回見てもFUKAが落ちたのだいぶしんどい(TT) ブラックダイアモンドのとき歌もダンスもめっちゃうまかったし何より可愛い!! またどっかで見れたらいいな〜
"I've started rewatching NoNoGa from the beginning, and I can finally take my time to watch things other than the performances! 💗 The emotions of SKY-HI, with tears welling up in his eyes during the performances of the D team and E team in the third round of judging, are really hard to contain... It makes me feel like I love it! 🙌 And, of course, I really like FUKA-chan! 💗 #NoNoGirls #ノノガ"
ノノガ最初から見直して パフォ以外の事もやっとゆっくり観れるようになった!💗 3次審査DチームとEチームのパフォーマンスに目にいっぱい涙ためてるSKY-HIしゃんの感情がなかなかおさまらないところが映ってて… 好きだわーってなる🙌 で、やっぱりFUKAちゃん好きぃ〜💗 #NoNoGirls #ノノガ
"I want these 5 people to do REAL NoNoGirls ❤️🔥 I think they would be the strongest ❤️🔥 ASHA AIKA YUJU FUKA STERA #NoNoGirls"
下記5名でREAL NoNoGirlsやって欲しいの❤️🔥最強と思うの❤️🔥 ASHA AIKA YUJU FUKA STERA #NoNoGirls
"I've watched up to episode 4, and I like everyone, but the ones I've particularly come to like are CHIKA-chan, FUMINO-chan, NAOKO-san, and SAYAKA-chan. I'm also curious about KOKO-chan, KOKOA-chan, and YURI-chan... I said goodbye for now, but I also like AIKA-chan, AKARI-chan, ASHA-chan, FUKA-chan, SARA-chan, and YUJU-chan, and I'm looking forward to seeing them at K-Ari."
ノノガ4次までみて、みんな好きだけど特に好きになったのはCHIKAちゃんFUMINOちゃんNAOKOさんSAYAKAちゃんだな KOKOちゃんKOKOAちゃんYURIちゃんも気になる… いったんお別れしたけどAIKAちゃん AKARIちゃんASHAちゃんFUKAちゃんSARAちゃん YUJUちゃんも好きで、Kアリで会えるのを楽しみにしてる
"Wait, wait! FUKA-chan and AIKA-chan can both participate in the final on 1/11 🥺🥺 I'm really, really happy! I will definitely get a ticket!!! Of course, I love both of them so much, but I can't help but be excited thinking that I will get to see all 30 people 😖❤️ #nonogirls"
In the No No Girls segment, SKY-HI's words to FUKA-chan, "Thank you so much for all your hard work until now," were so wonderful that I cried.
"I finally saw Nonogaーーーーー!!!!! Someone talk to meーーー!!!wwwwww I skipped the YouTube version and spent the whole day watching the Hulu version during my free time from the morning 😂 I was really curious about FUKA-chan, so I was very disappointed 😢 I cried a lot from the part with MAHINA-chan to the message to the last 9 people 😭 I really hope she can grab that solo 3.5 evaluation..."
"Wow, I can't stop crying from the president's words... FUKA-chan, it might be tough to find the self you want to be, but I believe that once you get through that, you'll become an incredible artist. I'm waiting for you. Uooooooh, I'm waiting for youuuuu (crying heavily). Also, Jisoo-chan is cute. I like Chika-chan. Yuri-chan too, no, I love everyone."
The tweet translates to: "No No GIRLS is really good! I'm so hooked on the B team that I've been watching it repeatedly, lol. I want them to debut just like that with Fuka-chan there... Everyone is cute and cool!"