古江 侑豊さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
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アマプラでStand by meやっと一気見! デビューしてたYUTOさんが練習生時代の将吾くんの顔見て元気もらってたとか 今後のことを悩んで相談してYUTOさんがプデュを勧めてくれたとか初めて情報で感動😭 立ち振る舞いや食べ方のお品が良くてとにかく可愛すぎた💚 #INI @official__INI #田島将吾 pic.x.com/VlHOUgD7y8
"I finally binge-watched 'Stand by Me' on Amapura! I was so moved to learn for the first time that YUTO-san drew strength from seeing Shogo-kun's face during his trainee days when he was debuting, and that he consulted about his future and recommended 'Produce' to him. His demeanor and eating habits were so refined, and he was just too cute! 💚 #INI @official__INI #ShogoTajima"
The influencer Kamiya wasn't really my type, but this time they worked hard and even dyed their hair black, which made me like them more. It kind of reminds me of Furue from "Produce 101 Japan Season 2"... lol.
#ネトフリでタイプロ #timelesz_project 齊藤崇太、ガチで分量少なすぎて最後のパフォーマンスの時にお前いたんかってなるレベルだったの草 日プ2の古江侑豊と同じ扱いするなら、最初から簡単な身辺調査くらいしときなよ…本人の自業自得だけどさ、可哀想だし残酷すぎるよ😮💨
Here's the translation of the tweet: "#Netflix #timelesz_project Saito Takuto had so little screen time that during the final performance, I was like, 'Wait, were you even there?' 😂 If you're going to treat him the same way as Furue Yuto from 'Nijipuro 2', you should have at least done a simple background check from the start... It's his own fault, but it's still sad and way too cruel 😮💨"
"Whoa!? I thought I had heard of Furue before, and then I realized it's the one who was on 'Nippon Produce'! Is he doing something like this now????? lol"
The tweet translates to: "In the Japan Project, the people everyone didn't want to debut: Yuto Furue, Mikoto Nakamori. The people who really shouldn't have debuted: Seimei Ando, Kagura Kato."
The tweet translates to: "In the Japan Produce (Nijuu) program, the people everyone didn't want to debut: Yuto Furue, Mikoto Nakamori. The people who really shouldn't have debuted: Masaki Ando, Kagura Kato."
In the context of "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN," the people mentioned as those who were not wanted to debut are Yuto Furue and Mikoto Nakamori. On the other hand, those who really shouldn't have debuted include Makoto Ando and Kagura Kato. 🎀🌈 x.com/152Dolche/stat…
The tweet translates to: "In 'Nippon Produce,' the people everyone didn't want to debut: Yuto Furue, Mikoto Nakamori. The people who really shouldn't have debuted: Seimei Ando, Kagura Kato."
The tweet translates to: "In the Japan Produce (Nijuu) show, the people everyone didn't want to debut were Yuuto Furue and Mikoto Nakamori. The people who really shouldn't have debuted are Makoto Ando and Kagura Kato."
The tweet translates to: "I'm talking about the creator of the Kikuchi Fuma syntax, but that dance was something I could definitely do, and the level of confidence was quite something. However, I think that in that moment, standing there, he was seriously facing 'timelesz.' Also, I reminisced about Furue-kun from 'Nijipuro 2.' He was really getting a lot of criticism, but... " (Note: The translation may not capture all nuances, especially with specific cultural references or slang.)
Leaving Seoul... to Gyeonggi-do. I love YUTO×TAJI's "Stand by Me" so much that I've watched it multiple times 🥺 The place where Taji confessed everything to Yuto... I was so moved at this sacred site that I bought and ate Melona 😭 Taji, thank you so much for participating in Produce 101 Season 2 💚 #NasuKorea pic.x.com/deinxxfirw
I remembered Furue from the time of Nippon Professional Baseball.
I finally watched Stand by Me ~YUTO×TAJI~! Thank you Taji-kun for choosing Nippon TV 2, and thank you for becoming INI. I want to send Yuuto-san a gift for encouraging me. His cuteness and beauty when waking up, and Sho's charm when drinking alcohol were really good...! #Stand_by_Me #INI #TajimaShogo