Coming soon ...
It's been about four years since the "Creation Camp 2021," and I'm hoping they will finally release the island greetings from Kiyoshi and Ki. 👀 (With the 33rd place contestant, Iro, having three performances, Ki is in 34th place.) Back then, Dondon, who was in 47th place and on an island, said he would go on a live tour when he returned! 👀 (Ki was dorm mates with Dondon and Penpen.)
創造営2021から4年くらい経ちますが贵尚奇の離島挨拶そろそろ蔵出ししてほしいところです👀(33位の井胧さんまで3公で、奇奇は34位) 当時47位で離島だったどぅんどぅんは戻ったらライブツアー回ります!って言ってましたね👀(奇奇はどぅんどぅんやぺんぺんと寮部屋仲間でした) pic.x.com/sxVJkcVclB x.com/hatenanosuke2/…
S2最初から何人か応援せねば💪で応援してる学員に加えて途中から想定外に沼ってしまった学員もいて明日不安すぎるけど、いったん先程交換いただいたトレカ届いてにこにこしてます😊でも明日までまた引続きそわそわなので創造営2021の2公の🦀の贵尚奇のとっておきのびっくり顔みて落ち着こう💪 pic.x.com/Wm8TkvOOcA
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Since the beginning of S2, I've been supporting several people 💪, and in addition to the trainees I've been cheering for, there are also some who unexpectedly got stuck along the way, so I'm really anxious about tomorrow. But for now, I'm smiling because the trading card I received earlier has arrived 😊. However, until tomorrow, I'll continue to feel restless, so let's calm down by looking at the special surprised face of Guishangqi from the second performance of Creation Camp 2021 🦀💪 pic.x.com/Wm8TkvOOcA"
chuangasias2の见面会の様子見てたら創造営2021の頃とか2021年の贵尚奇が見たくなり回顧😊1,2枚目は創造営期間(実際超话というものを知ったのは後なので後から見ましたが!)3枚目は2021年秋冬、4枚目は最近🙌ちょっと大人っぽくなりましたかね?!👀✨ 1,2枚目引用元 weibo.com/6972252918/461… pic.x.com/7KBAM2nRac
While watching the meet-and-greet for chuangasias2, I started to reminisce about the time of 创造营 2021 and the 2021 season of 贵尚奇 😊 The first two images are from the 创造营 period (I actually learned about 超话 later, so I watched them afterward!). The third image is from fall/winter 2021, and the fourth image is recent 🙌 Have they become a bit more mature?! 👀✨ The first two images are from weibo.com/6972252918/461… pic.x.com/7KBAM2nRac
未だに創造営2021以降のサバ番とかで、自分たちのグループの面白さに『自分たちを見て笑わない人がいたら倒立したまま頭洗ってみせますよ』って絶対的な自信を見せる人他に見たことないですが🦀😂(贵尚奇っていう学員なんですけど) #創造営2021 pic.x.com/lFihZ8UgM2 x.com/hatenanosuke2/…
"I've never seen anyone else show such absolute confidence like this person, who said, 'If there are people who don't laugh at our group's fun, I'll wash my head while doing a handstand' during the survival shows after Produce Camp 2021 🦀😂 (This is a trainee named Guishangqi) #ProduceCamp2021"
そういえばprayさんが金魚系男子って言ってましたが、記憶がなくなっちゃう金魚の話、創造営2021のサイドコンテンツで贵尚奇が読んでたファンからの手紙にもでてきましたね👀✨(引用元の動画) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #chuangasias2ep7 #创造营亚洲第二季 #CHUANGAsia pic.x.com/LuZdP6ApmW x.com/hatenanosuke2/…
"By the way, Pray mentioned that he is a goldfish-type boy, and the story about goldfish losing their memories also appeared in a letter from a fan that Guishangqi was reading in the side content of CHUANG 2021 👀✨ (source video) #CHUANGAsiaS2 #chuangasias2ep7 #创造营亚洲第二季 #CHUANGAsia"
言霊重要ですよね!すーやんやんさんに便乗して ☑創造営2021 90人(会えてない人ぜひ) ※特に贵尚奇何卒 ☑🌹4みんな ※特に井胧単独コン切望 ※すーやんやんさんの投稿見ていつか胡夏さんリアル歌唱も聴いてみたく! ☑Kanompang(カノンパン)🍞🥐ちゃん ☑chuangasias2 気になる学員たち x.com/shiyangyang_jp…
The tweet translates to: "Words have power, right! Riding on the coattails of Suuyan-yan ☑ Creation Camp 2021, 90 people (especially those I haven't met) *Especially Guishangqi, please ☑🌹 4 everyone *Especially looking forward to Iro's solo concert *After seeing Suuyan-yan's post, I want to hear Hu Xia's real singing someday! ☑ Kanompang 🍞🥐-chan ☑ chuangasias2 The students I'm interested in x.com/shiyangyang_jp…"
chuangasiaで第1回順位発表後、卒業メンバーも突破メンバーもみんな思いを投稿してて、なんだか卒業式みたいだなと思い、創造営2021の時の卒業投稿遡ってたら、贵尚奇は卒業投稿の次が大学時代の友人との再会投稿で、もう芸能活動しないのかなとも思ったりしてたので、今も続けてくれててよかっなあ😭 pic.x.com/kZUXqXKEap
After the first ranking announcement at Chuang Asia, both the graduating members and those who made it through have been posting their thoughts, and it feels somewhat like a graduation ceremony. I was looking back at the graduation posts from the time of Creation Camp 2021, and I noticed that Guishangqi's post after graduating was about reuniting with friends from university. I was wondering if he would stop his entertainment activities, so I'm really glad he's still continuing now. 😭 pic.x.com/kZUXqXKEap
I was going through Qishangqi's Weibo from before and during "Creation Camp," and I thought that his hairstyle really changes his vibe a lot (I remembered when he got his hair cut at Yingwudang). Also, during "Creation Camp," I saw him writing a letter to fans and noticed the fan name "Komatsuguri," which made me think that a birthday celebration with a pine cone theme might be nice this year (his birthday is on November 1st, so it's a bit early to think about it). pic.x.com/YS7X5HVR98