チョ ハスルさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"To all the Ishian fans across the country, please support the ARTMS Holy Mother, Cho Hasul. #EscapeFromSingleIsland4 #SoloHell4"
全国のイシアン派の皆さま、ARTMS聖母ことチョハスルをよろしくお願いします。 #脱出おひとり島4 #솔로지옥4 pic.x.com/fNBC5KvOdf
イシアンとチョハスルの見分けがつくorつかない #이시안 #조하슬 pic.x.com/Jg5Jg01CnH
The translation of the tweet is: "Can you tell the difference between Ishian and Chohasul or not? #이시안 #조하슬"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "A summary of LOONA lookalikes around Masako. The tone of voice and speaking style are quite similar to Kim Hyun Jin's classmate. The face is somewhat similar to Hasul's, and she's also a relative of the 97 line. She is the same height as Yojin (149 cm) and is a part-time colleague."
まさこの周りのLOONAそっくりさんまとめ 声のトーンと喋り方がかなりキムヒョンジンの同級生 顔が若干ハスル似で同じく97ラインの親戚のお姉ちゃん 身長だけヨジンと一緒(149cm)のバイト同僚
I'm surprised by the response, it's beyond my expectations! ✨ ARTMS (Artemis) is a group consisting of five members: Heejin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, Cherry, and Hasul, who were formerly part of LOONA! The Virtual Angel performance showcased on this stage has an intense music video, so be sure to check it out! (Warning: Polygon Shock) youtu.be/EqUP26j4XWU?si…
予想以上の反応でびっくり✨ ARTMS(アルテミス)という元LOONAのヒジン、キムリプ、ジンソル、チェリ、ハスルの5人で構成されたグループです! このステージで披露しているVirtual AngelはMVがかなりエグいので絶対にみてください!(ポリゴンショック注意) youtu.be/EqUP26j4XWU?si…
"I've been saved by this music video since it was released. HaSeul, whom I love dearly, has such a beautiful voice that it really hits my heart. It makes me think about how I was living my student days. [MV] LOONA/HaSeul 'Boy, Girl (Let Me In)' youtu.be/6a4BWpBJppI?si… via @YouTube"
大好きなハスル姉さんのMV 公開された時から声綺麗で心臓にくる感じがして本当にこのMVに救われて学生の時を生きてたなって思ってる [MV] 이달의 소녀/하슬 (LOONA/HaSeul) "소년, 소녀 (Let Me In)" youtu.be/6a4BWpBJppI?si… @YouTubeより
The translation of the tweet is: "Also, it resembles LOONA's Haseul."
The translation of the tweet is: "The first Heejin and Haseul are so cute, haha. Everyone has become more beautiful since the LOONA days. But today, each group is posting a lot of good videos and images, haha."
最初のヒジンとハスルがかわいい笑 皆、LOONAの頃よりキレイになったな。 しかし今日は各グループ良い動画や画像がよく上がるわ笑 x.com/official_artms…
The tweet translates to: "Looking for: Cho Yuri, Yena, Chaeyoung artms (loona) ▶︎ Cherry BTS ▶︎ Jungkook > Jimin Taehyung Jin qwer ▶︎ Chodang > All IU Yeonwoo and other groups ◎ OST related ◎ IZ*ONE, BLACKPINK, BABYMONSTAR, IZONE, New Jeans, IVE, qwer, TREASURE, Red Velvet, TWICE, VVUP, Aespa, Momoland. Exchange, purchase albums: ALT x.com/ux___oi/status…"
The translation of the tweet is: "Because Cho Ha-sul looks great in hanbok, the best in the galaxy."