Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I was curious about what happened after that, and it seems that Heitetsu-kun is still using the stage name Heitetsu. Wow, he's starring in a drama with Shingo-chan! It looks like he's going to play a key role from now on, that's amazing! He must have felt really frustrated during LASTART, but he did a great job until the end. Heitetsu is definitely a good kid. Good luck on your path as an actor! 👍"
RP その後が気になっていたヘイテツ君 芸名はヘイテツのままなのね 慎吾ちゃん主演のドラマかぁ😳 これからキーマンになりそうな役で凄いね! LASTARTではずっと悔しかっただろうに、最後までよくやり切ったよ 絶対ヘイテチュ良い子だよね 俳優の道、頑張ってね!👍 pic.x.com/SxyYD8gCGx
LASTARTに出てたヘイテツ、俳優になったの!?😳 x.com/muchudoku/stat…
The tweet translates to: "Hey Tetsu, who appeared in LASTART, has become an actor!? 😳"
「ヘイテツ」として俳優デビューするのまじでカッコいい!しかも香取慎吾を睨みつける役!ヘイテツってどこ探してもヘイテツしかいない ヘイテツの俳優としてのリスタート(ラスタート)を応援します
"Debuting as 'Heitetsu' as an actor is seriously cool! Plus, it's a role where I glare at Shingo Katori! No matter where you look, there's only Heitetsu. I support Heitetsu's restart (or 'lastart') as an actor!"
"I seriously felt like I was nowhere to be found, so I decided to restart my life as a regular person (restart) (´;ω;`), but then I made my acting debut‼️ And it's in 'Heitetsu'‼️ lol That's what Heitetsu is all about."
まじでもうどこにもいないからパンピとして人生リスタート(ラスタート)したんだ(´;ω;`)て思ってたのに俳優デビューて‼️しかも「ヘイテツ」‼️w それでこそヘイテツ。
"I'm still curious about everyone from the Rastart group, so I occasionally do a pub search by name. I heard that Heitetsu is in a drama with Shingo Katori, and when I checked it out, he really was in it, which surprised me. Moreover, it seems like he has a good role and it's intense!"
ラスタート組の皆の今も気になるので たまに名前でパブサするけど ヘイテツが香取慎吾のドラマ出てるらしく 見てみたら本当に出ててビビった しかもいい役所っぽくてアツい
I saw a tweet saying that fans from LASTART are old news, but to be honest, only those who experienced LASTART in real-time can understand that thrilling feeling. Now that we know the debut group, we can watch them, but things like the last tears of the performance, Haruta's growth, the fun of Heitetsu... and the importance of Jongmin...
LASTARTからのファンはもう古いとか言ってるツイート見たけど、正直言うとLASTARTをリアタイしてた側しかわからないあのドキドキ感は得られないよね。 いまはデビュー組がわかってるから観れるけど、あのカッショウの最後の涙とかハルタの成長とかヘイテツの面白さとか…ジョンミンの大切さとか…
The tweet translates to: "People who say Pinmori is a Heitetsu probably haven't seen Rastart, right? lol"
The tweet translates to: "It seems that the pink-haired kid who looks like Xiumin from SMTR25 was in LASTART?? The features do resemble each other for sure."
The tweet translates to: "Hey, I'm still spinning around with Heitetsu-kun (just kidding). I went to see Lastart, and as expected, Heitetsu-kun is by far the tallest among them. By the way, next to him is Ryo-kun 😊. And then there's Yuushi, Shion, Johnmin, Kasshou, and Anderson too." (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)