ホアン ファンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has decided to hold fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April. kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar… #BAE173 via @Kstyle_news A KPOP idol that won't skip Nagoya! ✨
「PROJECT 7」「スターライトボーイズ」出演!BAE173、4月に日本3都市でファンミーティング開催決定 kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar… #BAE173 @Kstyle_newsより 名古屋飛ばしをしないKPOPアイドル✨
ようわからんけど元スラボ練習生ジョンウさんのファンの方にフォローいただいていて嬉しい…🥲 I'm so glad to be followed by Jungwoo(former Starlight Boys trainee)'s fans🥲 Thank youㅠㅠ
The tweet translates to: "I don't really understand, but I'm happy to be followed by fans of Jungwoo (former Starlight Boys trainee)...🥲 Thank youㅠㅠ"
Here is my favorite scene from Starlight Boys: Idawool being pampered by Yujun, Shifan, and Inhao. pic.x.com/NQFkDMeJDn
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has decided to hold fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April (Kstyle) #YahooNews news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/614af…
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has confirmed fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April (Kstyle) news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/614af…
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has decided to hold fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April. As a "hexagonal idol" equipped with visuals, performance, and singing ability, they radiate a strong aura in every round, receiving attention and praise from global fans, and achieving high rankings. pic.x.com/MGK8jS04Ia
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has decided to hold fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April (Kstyle) news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/614af…
"PROJECT 7" "Starlight Boys" appearance! BAE173 has decided to hold fan meetings in three cities in Japan in April. kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar…
[📢] Announcement from BAE173 JAPAN FANBASE ⚡️ We have decided to collaborate with the FANTASY BOYS VOTING TEAM! There will also be joint appearances in PROJECT 7 and STARLIGHT BOYS, and it seems that a collaboration is planned. We hope that fans supporting idols from the same agency can work together 🥰 #BAE173 #ELSE #FANTASYBOYS #Bandi pic.x.com/iRE1Lze1eI
[📢]BAE173 JAPAN FANBASEよりお知らせ⚡️ FANTASY BOYS VOTING TEAMと連携をとることになりました! PROJECT 7、STARLIGHT BOYSでの共演もあり、コラボも予定されているようです。同じ所属事務所のアイドルを応援するファン同士が協力できればと思っています🥰 #BAE173 #ELSE #FANTASYBOYS #Bandi pic.x.com/iRE1Lze1eI
The translation of the tweet is: "Starlightboys Starlight Boys Hoshikou Naiyō's boys Stabo trading card exchange Offering ❥❥❥ See image Looking for ❥❥❥ Shi Fan (Xu Shihuan) Exchange by mail" (Note: "Starlightboys" and "Stabo" are likely names or terms specific to the context, so they are kept as is.)
The tweet translates to: "Stabo Slabo Starlight Boys, trading trading cards. Offering images. Looking for Xu Shihuan (许世焕) and Shifan. Please feel free to reach out! 🙇🏻♂️" (Note: "Stabo" and "Slabo" appear to be stylized names or terms related to the group or cards.)
"1228 StarlightBoys final Xu Shihuan FanCam Full 💖Pretty Dirty Boy💖 When Idawul carried me on his back during the last chorus and came to the center stage, maybe because it was the third time, a few fans from the left side also came over 💫👍🏻 #StarlightBoys #星光闪耀的少年 #스타라이트보이즈 #스라보 #スタボ #POLARIX #许世焕 #XuShihuan #xushi #허세환… pic.x.com/8V9P3je2Js"