Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "#China #YellowRiver The correct answer is the Yellow River. There is a rapid called Longmen in the Yellow River. I have been to the Yellow River for sightseeing."
The tweet translates to: "#Travel #YellowRiver #Water #MutualFollowMutualLike Vast and magnificent @ChineseEmbinRus @ChinaEmbOttawa @BRICSinfo @ChinaEmbinCH @ChinaEmbGermany @AmbassadeChine @EmbQiMei @ChenPingMFA @xuejianosaka @zhang_heqing @jingFeng22 @CHNembinSudan @RibiaoChen @xianghua_zhang @Amb_WangQing @CPEC_Official pic.x.com/SvRo3zQ1XX" (Note: The hashtags and mentions are kept as they are since they are specific to social media.)
#旅游 #黄河 #水 #互关互赞 纵横壮阔 @ChineseEmbinRus @ChinaEmbOttawa @BRICSinfo @ChinaEmbinCH @ChinaEmbGermany @AmbassadeChine @EmbQiMei @ChenPingMFA @xuejianosaka @zhang_heqing @jingFeng22 @CHNembinSudan @RibiaoChen @xianghua_zhang @Amb_WangQing @CPEC_Official pic.x.com/SvRo3zQ1XX
【"Tidal Tree" Landscape Appears in the Wetlands of the Yellow River Estuary】 On the 22nd in Dongying City, Shandong Province, eastern China, a landscape known as the "Tidal Tree," created by the ebb and flow of the tides, has emerged in the wetlands of the Yellow River estuary, presenting a beautiful sight. #Shandong #YellowRiver #TidalTree pic.x.com/uNHZbU3hXd
【黄河河口の湿地に現れた「潮汐樹」景観】 中国東部の山東省東営市で22日、黄河河口の湿地に潮の満ち引きが作る「潮汐樹」と呼ばれる景観が出現し、美しい光景が広がっています。 #山東 #黄河 #潮汐樹 pic.x.com/uNHZbU3hXd
"Spectacular~ The breathtaking view of the Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River with ice and a rainbow. A magnificent natural landscape unique to early spring. #YellowRiver"
壮観~黄河壺口瀑布に氷と虹の絶景 早春ならではの壮麗な自然景観 #黄河 pic.x.com/khHPM9Dkfm
The Yellow River is thawing! Recently, at the Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River, the rising temperatures have caused the ice to melt, revealing the magnificent waterfall scenery once again~ #YellowRiver pic.x.com/sZFwX3UJxC
黄河が解氷!黄河壺口瀑布ではこのところ、気温の上昇で氷が解け、再び壮大な滝の景観が出現した~ #黄河 pic.x.com/sZFwX3UJxC
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver #Rainbow"
#黄河 上的 #彩虹 x.com/XinhuaChinese/…
The translation of the tweet is: "#China #YellowRiver Surprisingly, the Yellow River seems to be a popular tourist spot? x.com/zatta8704/stat…"
The tweet translates to: "The Yellow River Hukou Waterfall has a 'bridge of ice floes' that stretches about 10 kilometers (ΩДΩ) How mysterious~ #YellowRiver pic.x.com/D0i2wfwduL"
Continuing from the previous tweet... It looked snake-like on the monitor, but it was short and the screen was small, so it was hard to see clearly, and there were other disappointing points as well. #黄河 #HuangHe #张圣帆 #ZhangShengfan #冷偏佳 #LengPianjia #大雪怪 #SnowMonster #SnowMonsterVSIceShark #horror #holler #怖ろしい事が起こるのです #movie #cinema #映画 Follow-up → pic.x.com/g8Gdx9LCl8
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Continuing from before, a giant beast appears in the far north! The silver fist shakes the heavens and the earth! #YellowRiver #HuangHe #ZhangShengfan #冷偏佳 #LengPianjia #SnowMonster #SnowMonsterVSIceShark #SomethingTerribleIsHappening #horror #holler #movie #cinema #映画 Follow-up → pic.x.com/3kYhflzn00"