Coming soon ...
四川省阿壩(アバ)蔵族羌族自治州の若爾盖(ゾルゲ)県でこのほど、黄河が大きく蛇行する「黄河九曲第一湾」と彼方に連なる雪山が「競演」する絶景が広がっていた。#黄河 #観光 #絶景 pic.x.com/NrfWO8LrB7
おひるるちゃん #黄河 pic.x.com/L2nt7Rvr2D
【クソ銃レビュー】チープ銃黄河プラスシリーズ他 CYMAエアガンP1092A2 フェイテンA92 お祭りくじの景品系のエアガンをレビュー youtu.be/V9Gnlp2KRss #黄河 #秋のクソ銃祭り pic.x.com/9uHOB0ydpw
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver Nine Bends Yellow River"
#黄河 九曲黄河 pic.x.com/a6bpBSI0dv
The translation of the tweet is: "Today at the first bend of the Yellow River #YellowRiver #Ruoergai pic.x.com/zP2YrGo9Li"
今日九曲黄河第一湾 #黄河 #若尔盖 pic.x.com/zP2YrGo9Li
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver is the mother river of China, and there are many stories related to the Yellow River. Today, let's hear the story of the wooden pagoda in Yong County. #YellowRiverCulturalConference"
#黄河 は中国の母なる川で、黄河に関わる物語がたくさんあります。今日は応県木塔の物語を聞きましょう。#黄河文化大会 pic.x.com/UdAFDyOf8K
The tweet translates to: "The Yellow River is China's mother river, and there are many stories related to it. Today, let's listen to the story of poet Wei Qinggang from the 95 Post Fruit Orchard. He planted the dream of literature at the ferry of the Yellow River. #YellowRiverCulturalConference"
#黄河 は中国の母なる川で、黄河に関わる物語がたくさんあります。今日は95後果樹園の詩人衛慶港さんの物語を聞きましょう。同氏は黄河の渡し場に文学の夢を植えた。#黄河文化大会 pic.x.com/fh1rUZec8m
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver is China's mother river, and there are many stories related to the Yellow River. Today, let's hear about the 'Yellow River Rescue Team' in Zhengzhou. #YellowRiverCulturalFestival"
#黄河 は中国の母なる川で、黄河に関わる物語がたくさんあります。今日は鄭州の「黄河救助隊」を聞きましょう。#黄河文化大会 pic.x.com/QO6M6iJVNF
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver is the mother river of China, and there are many stories related to the Yellow River. Today, let's hear the story of a certain influencer. He sang Huangmei opera on site. #YellowRiverCulturalFestival pic.x.com/NfWhfGDTYY"
The tweet translates to: "#YellowRiver is the mother river of China, and there are many stories related to the Yellow River. Today, let's listen to the story of a university student from the post-95 generation. He has rooted himself in the countryside and written a different youth story. #YellowRiverCulturalConference"