Coming soon ...
Happy BirthDay #HuangKun🎉🎉 #黄鲲 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 黄鲲さんは29歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/huangku… #Happy_HuangKun_day #HappyHuangKunday #Chuang2021
ツアーファイナルの杭州站のステージで投影された黄鲲へのお誕生日メッセージ動画です😊 AI翻訳付けました(変な部分多いけど💦) 長いので3つに分けて載せます🎦 #黄鲲巡演2024 #黄鲲 #黄鯤 pic.x.com/HDNK3fZJ9i
#黄鲲 r&b鲲 pic.x.com/vAxZjbJzBB
#黄鲲 知らない曲だ…(古参はみんな知ってる?) pic.x.com/wAppiHS3jH
#黄鲲 まさかやるとは思わない比月亮浪漫。(なんか忘れてる?) pic.x.com/EMVgOhyxfI
#黄鲲 🍍でドラムにちょっかい出すのほんと好き。 pic.x.com/n393slek20
#黄鲲 平成の高校生みたいなお姿で登場🙌 pic.x.com/upgDJhwXVi
【創造営亡霊の皆様!!🙌】 これまで日本でのライブの際に動いてくださってきた黄鲲 の後援会アカウントさんがこれから情報アカウントとして活動されるそうです👀✨ぜひフォローをー!! x.com/huangkun_nihon…
Happy Birthday #HuangKun🎉🎉 Congratulations on your birthday, Mr. Huang Kun✨✨ He turns 29 years old😘 kpopjuice.com/member/huangku… #Happy_HuangKun_day #HappyHuangKunday #Chuang2021
Here's the translation of the tweet: "This is a birthday message video projected on stage at the tour final in Hangzhou for Huang Kun 😊 I added AI translation (there are many strange parts though 💦). Since it's long, I'll post it in three parts 🎦 #HuangKunTour2024 #HuangKun #HuangKun pic.x.com/HDNK3fZJ9i"
The tweet translates to: "#YellowKun r&b Kun pic.x.com/vAxZjbJzBB" (Note: "黄鲲" refers to "Yellow Kun," and "鲲" is a mythical fish in Chinese mythology. The "r&b" likely refers to the music genre rhythm and blues.)
The translation of the tweet is: "#Kunkun I don't know this song... (Do all the old fans know it?)"
The translation of the tweet is: "#HuangKun I never thought they would do a romantic moonlight (Am I forgetting something?) pic.x.com/EMVgOhyxfI"
The translation of the tweet is: "I really love teasing the drums with #Kunkun 🍍."
The translation of the tweet is: "#Kunkun appears looking like a high school student from the Heisei era 🙌 pic.x.com/upgDJhwXVi"