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ASYの動画流れてくると、思い切りファンサしてくれてるしパフォーマンスえぐいので どこかで猫眼三兄弟デビューしてる???と思うのにしてない 世界七不思議のひとつ
猫眼三兄弟😻アイドル 😻YouTube7️⃣7️⃣万回おめでとう‼︎😻 振付覚えて、いつか猫眼ファンの人と きゃーきゃー言って踊り明かしたい🪩🥂 【初舞台纯享】猫眼三兄弟组合 智樹、大夢、路己《アイドル/IDOL》| 亚洲超星团 Asia Super Young | 优酷综艺 YOUKU ... youtu.be/rV-84_V3gn8?si… @YouTubeより
When I watch various videos from ASY, I can't help but feel like "It's all about the cat-chan!!" or "So cute!!!" However, in the latter half of the Taipro, there are moments where he really dives in strongly and shows a more rugged, masculine side. After Taipro, he becomes a complete fan-service melody-making machine, and the gap is just incredible.
#CatEyeThreeBrothers I never expected the number of Japanese Weibo users to increase at this point! I've been on Weibo for 10 years, and I like it more than X because it's more relaxed, haha! I would be happy if it becomes filled with Cat Eye fans! And I hope you'll take this opportunity to check out Asia Super Young too! Especially episode 1! The level of the trainees from the mainland is also high, so it's worth watching. From a big fan of Chinese survival shows.
#猫眼三兄弟 まさかここにきて日本人のweibo登録者が増えるなんて想定外ね! 私はweibo初めて10年経つけどXより緩くて好きだよw Xよりも猫眼ファンで溢れたら嬉しいな!そしてこの機会にAsia Super Youngも見て欲しい!特に1話!大陸の練習生たちのレベルも高いから注目。 中国のサバ番大好き人間より
"To all the cat-eye fans supporting from ASY, you are just amazing. It's nothing short of a blessing."
The tweet translates to: "What fans can do, I see. It's about promoting Papre, Newphase, and Kakumei, and making sure to keep our business cards shiny so they connect to the next generation."
The tweet translates to: "It's fun to see the Cat Eye fans coming together to spread ASY's videos and dig up photos ( •̀ ̫ -︎︎ )੭🤍 They're a genius idol, after all..."
猫眼のファンが一致団結してASYの動画拡散したり写真掘り出してきてるのたのしい( •̀ ̫ -︎︎ )੭🤍 天才的なアイドル様、だからね……
"I'm searching for various photos taken by fans during ASY on Weibo, and I can't help but feel a bit down thinking how nice it would have been if I had liked them back then. I'm just going through this 'what if' scenario repeatedly, haha."
西山くんのタイプロが終わったので過去の西山くんのファンアートも描いちゃおうかな ASYの猫眼とか、WARPsROOTSとか でもまだタイプロの軌跡も愛でたいので手が足りないなぁぁ