ジャン ヒョンソクさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"I was really being an otakuーー💕 When my seniors didn't pay attention to me, I was with Puje😹 It's Songmin, Jiun, Yongso, Kanghyun, Jian, Abeyura, and Hyunseok✨🩵 #Let'sThrowMarshmallows marshmallow-qa.com/messages/6505b…"
ヲレがプジェの本当の初回投票で投票した子ジンジャンしかデビューしてなくて笑う その後色々知った上で投票し始めたのだとスンホちゃんも入る けど私の7pickにデビュメンいないの鬱
The tweet translates to: "I wasn't called 'Cyan' during the Voice Project, but I was called 'Cyan' in the Puje event, and I bet Jinjan was really happy about that."
チャイケイ! チャホプ! ジェケ! ジャン! みんなジョングクが可愛くて仕方ないのがよく分かる🥹ジョングクも早くヒョン達に会いたいだろうな🥺 pic.x.com/V1osJCQgrm
"Chai Kei! Cha Hop! Je Ke! Jan! I can really understand how everyone can't help but find Jungkook adorable 🥹 I bet Jungkook is also eager to meet his hyungs soon 🥺"
🐿チェイケイ… 🐰チャポプ… 🐹ジェケ… 🐰ジャン… あー!!早くみんな集まってほしいー😭会いたいなぁ😭😭😭😭
The tweet translates to: "Squirrel Cheikei... Bunny Chapopu... Hamster Jeke... Bunny Jan... Ah!! I really want everyone to gather quickly 😭 I want to see you all 😭😭😭😭"
"Project 7 was very challenging, but also enjoyable, and I have many memories from it."
The tweet translates to: "I can't sleep because I'm too worried about the Te Yu, Sokhi, Hyunseok, Juhyun, and Tehwan from the Puje group."
The tweet translates to: "Having a reunion with Te Yu, Sok Hee, Hyun Suk, Ju Hyun, and Tae Hwan is the best."
I was told by a friend I made in Sanok (@EEEsther_x) that Son Hyunseok, who appeared in PROJECT7, is talking about Miraku on his Instagram subscription 🥹💖 It's a paid subscription, so I can't post a screenshot, but if you're interested, please check it out 🫶💕 And he's currently in Japan...‼️… pic.x.com/KhnbM9w1m8
The tweet translates to: "I really cried when I saw Hyunseok just a short walk away ~ Puje 🥲"