Miss you all...🐯
Miss you all...🐯
We miss you HORI7ON_ JEROMY!
Take care baby tiger 🐯
Support support for litol tiger🐯
Lets go guys... This is for you Jiro..🐯
I won a tweet campaign earning 10 points. Yezz this is for you Jiro. HAHA Good luck!
My ultimate bias🐯
Keep fighting bunso 💪💪💪
My ultimate bias🐯
Keep fighting 💪💪💪 Jiro...🐯
My ultimate bias🐯
Jeromy my bias the Main Dancer and Performance Leader of Hori7on
Always my baby 🐯
Main Slayer
My performance leader and main dancer...
Miss you baby tiger 🐯❤
Litol tiger
Keep slaying our baby Jiro 😍
Our main dancer and performance leader Jeromy is here. Rooting for you and your Kuya here.
Bunso miss na Kyu nmn....🐯