チョ ジェヒョンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet text "それもMA1出身チョミンジェいる" to English is: "There is also Chominje from MA1."
The tweet translates to: "Chominje is at Stashi with MA1, it's crazy. I hope it succeeds this time!"
The translation of the tweet is: "I want to connect with people who are watching the survival show #/Stashi. I also like I Ju-nso and Kim Ji-yong. Since I was watching MAKEMATE1, I'm also supporting Cho Min-jae." (Note: The link at the end is a URL and does not require translation.)
The tweet translates to: "My ultimate bias, Chominje, has become a trainee at Starship, and I'm so moved 🥺 I can hear his singing again...!!"
makemate1の最推しだったチョミンジェ、スタシの練習生になってて感動🥺 また彼の歌が聴ける…!! x.com/nkz_starship/s…
The tweet translates to: "Isn't Cho Min-jae the kid who was in MA1? I wonder if it's the same person with the same name?"
チョ・ミンジェってMA1に出てた子じゃないよね? 名前が同じ人なのかな?
The tweet translates to: "For me, MA1 was everything, like Chominje, but is it coming out?? Did you pass? The important thing is the trading cards, so I think it's better to practice charm and manage your appearance rather than just practicing singing! You have to work hard to vote! 🔥"
The translation of the tweet is: "Hey everyone! ^_−☆ Happy birthday, Cho Jae-hyun! 😉💗"
みんなやっほー^_−☆ チョジェヒョンはぴばー😉💗 pic.x.com/WKeFlybw6g