趣味 | 絵を描くこと、ゲームをすること、卓球、自転車に乗ること |
特技 | 卓球(対戦で勝つ自信があります。そんなことないかもしれないけど…) |
コメント | BOYS PLANETはおもしろいと思うので、まずはやってみます! |
Coming soon ...
よく流れてくるナムジウンの海外オタさん、ばりばりボイプラ引きずってて有難いし私とpickが同じすぎて共感やばい (ええ、私はスンファンとムンジョンが1pickでしたよ)(깡で2人が交わった時の嬉しさは一生忘れない)(깡 永遠)(ボイプラから使ってるイブン垢のヘッダーは未だに깡の5人ですよ)
The tweet translates to: "I often see international fans of Nam Ji-yoon who are really into BOY PLAN, and I'm grateful because we have the same pick, which is so relatable! (Yes, my top picks were Seung-hwan and Moon-jung) (I'll never forget the joy when the two of them interacted in 'Gang') (Gang forever) (The header of my account that I've been using since BOY PLAN still features the five from 'Gang')."
#EVNNE #Ibn 2025 Season’s Greeting Reservations start on Qoo10🌟 ✅Store benefits ✅1 random trading card 📍MAKESTAR 📍PlayJelly m.qoo10.jp/su/1427570531/… Keita Park Han-bin Park Ha Lee Jong Seung-on Yoon-soo Moon Jong Ji-hoo Sea Gree Goods MEX Jelly P comeback Boy Plan trading card exchange agency group purchase pic.x.com/e11Bf5PIuy
VCRのビハインド見てたらボイプラ懐古したくなって 早めからパクハにワンピクしてたからほかのメンバー見たさに公式写真みかえしてたら 🐶じゃないムンジョン見つけてアワアワしてる←いまここ #EVNNE pic.x.com/m40i4VxG6E x.com/evnne_official…
#EVNNE #イブン 2025 Season’s Greeting Qoo10で予約開始🌟 ✅店舗特典 ✅トレカ1種ランダム 📍MAKESTAR 📍PlayJelly m.qoo10.jp/su/1427570531/… ケイタ パクハンビン パクハ イジョン スンオン ユンソ ムンジョン ジフ シーグリ グッズ メクス ジェリピ カムバ ボイプラ トレカ 交換 代行 共同購入 pic.x.com/e11Bf5PIuy
本命はボイプラからわんぴくでそのままイブンになったムンジョンヒョンなんですけど、ムンジョン以前の推しもプジェで好きな子もみんな落ち着きがあって目立ちたがりじゃない子で好みが一貫してるな〜になってる(実感) ジュヒョンとイチェンは好みではない❣️ジュヒョンとイチェンだから好きなだけ❣️
The main focus is on Moon Jong Hyun, who transitioned from "Voice Planet" to "One Piece," but I realize that my preferences for past favorites and the kids I like from "Puje" all share a calm demeanor and aren't attention-seeking, which is consistent with my taste. (I feel this) Ju Hyun and Lee Chen are not my type! I only like them because they are Ju Hyun and Lee Chen!
The tweet translates to: "I wonder how many of the BOY PLAN kids I've seen so far... I just counted them 🤣 So Won, Ji Ho, Yoon Jung Woo, Fani, Dong Yeol, Hiroto, Zhu Hao, Sung Min, Tae Gu, Ye Dam, Keita, Park Han Bin, Lee Jong, Seung On, Yoon So, Moon Jong, Park Ji Hoo. Encounters: Camden, Brian, Seung Hwan. 20 people... I've met 1/5 of them 🫢"
"I couldn't sleep at this hour, so I went back to watch EVNNE's Voice Planet era. I realized I had completely missed it, but I didn't know that Moon Jong was an All-Star. I was watching the Signal Song again, and then I watched the final and it made me feel so nostalgic that I almost threw up, so I stopped. Ugh... I'm really satisfied with the current seven members and I'm happy right now."
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Episode #1: They really gathered 200 people, and there are a lot of solo participants, like watching the cheermaking endlessly. - Hui-kun seems to be having fun, highlighting the strangeness of 'Boys Planet.' - There are a lot of genuine kids. - There are quite a few real chicks as well. - Descendants of An Jung-geun. - I saw a lot of still images of Sakurada-san and Jaemin-san. - Ryan John, I also can't find the words."
The tweet translates to: "I'm moved by the fact that the movie 'Biei,' which ended with great results at Picuta, has appeared here, and I'm also touched by Lion John, who is crying about it. Additionally, the words from Hui, who participated in 'Boys Planet' and has outstanding recognition, are also kind and make me emotional."
The translation of the tweet is: "Se-yun's evolution from BOY PLAN is insane. [PROJECT 7] Jung Se-yun | Run (Up to you) Solo Cam youtu.be/2GBJSO2mE40?si… via @YouTube"
The tweet translates to: "I thought JUNG SEYUN-kun was cute! But it seems like he was someone whose name I don't remember (sorry) from BOY PLAN, and I'm rolling over that. The other members that caught my eye were Jaimin, Kang Hyun, Seok Hee, and Jin Shan, who I already know. marshmallow-qa.com/messages/10fab… #Let'sThrowMarshmallows"
The translation of the tweet is: "Oh no 😭 I heard Park Hamung Jung Yoon Seo was here 😭 The Boipra ghosts are going to cry 😭"
"I was reflecting on the solo Voice Play on Emune's channel, but when it came to the part where Aju couldn't sing in 'Moon Jung,' I felt so sorry. Yet, Emune didn't capture the beautifully hit highest note on camera. I think about this every time I watch it."
ファンロクくん辞退しちゃったの?本当?with usで頑張るのかな?どちらにしろ頑張って下さい!