ヒョンジュン可愛すぎる !! 🙈💓
絶対デビューしようね .. さらんへ !!
ヒョンジュン可愛すぎる !! 🙈💓
絶対デビューしようね .. さらんへ !!
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "The first half is filled with a cheerful, manga-like vibe reminiscent of Hong Kong movies, but the second half takes a sharp turn into bloody violence typical of Korean films. I thought it would be nice if a girl with single eyelids like Park So-dam could become a tough heroine with a new look. Also, Jung Hyun-jun, who looks just like a smaller version of Kentaro Sakaguchi, is the actor who played the son of the CEO in Parasite."
The tweet translates to: "I was just wondering, isn't everyone being a bit too casual after the finale? For me, my memories start with Fetek and Gyubin from BOY PLAN and end with Junpyo and Hyunjoon from MA1. It felt like everyone was just hugging in order and then saying, 'Okay, let's go back~'..."
The translation of the tweet is: "youtube.com/shorts/YbtyfZl… This means the customers of Green Camp. Among them, it is correct to refer to Jeong Hyun-jun, Kim Jong-hoon, and Kim Jae-hong. And it is also correct that Lee Jun-kyu treats me very harshly in the same village. Anyway, I understand."
キムシオンくんストーリーにスタシのサバ番あげてますけど? ウォンチョンくんとかもいたりします? オーディションの時期的にMAKEMATE1から流れて来てもおかしくないしすでにファン付いてる子がいるならサバ番も納得だけど ショヌくん出てからメンバー決まるまで見てしまった🤭
長袖TシャツにMA-1着て外へ出たけど暑い! イイ天気です☀ 昼は中華Kitchen Junで醤油ラーメン&ミニ焼肉丼食べてみたけど初の焼肉丼も裏切らない味でした😋 この店のラーメン丼のデザインもイイね🍜 pic.x.com/tVCugbwXD2
' メルカリ人気商品👀 UNDERCOVER MA-1ジャケット ダウン JUN TAKAHASHI メルカリで詳細をチェック↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m21444438…
The translation of the tweet is: "Chan Hyun Joon has gotten better at dancing compared to when he was in MA1 😭😭🤍"
The tweet translates to: "Mercari popular item 👀 UNDERCOVER MA-1 jacket down JUN TAKAHASHI Check the details on Mercari below ↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m21444438…"
' メルカリ人気商品👀 UNDERCOVER MA-1ジャケット ダウン JUN TAKAHASHI メルカリで詳細をチェック↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m21444438…
The tweet translates to: "I thought I had seen the Mohanyan tree somewhere, so I searched for it and ended up dying from Hyunjoong-chan. I really love Jeong Hyunjoong Pyo..."
もはにゃんツリー、どっかで見たことあると思って探したらヒョンジュンちゃんで爆死 わたしはチョンヒョンジュンピョがだいすきです……… pic.x.com/DSnjOTpwwk
Here’s the translation of the tweet text to English: "Audition viewing history (real-time) Nizi Project → Mako / Rio / Yuna / Akari / Riria Nijipuro Girls → Koto-chan / Tsuzu / Kokoro-chan / Nago / Miyu Nizi Project 2 → Eiji / Miraku / Yuhi / Tomoya makemate1 → Miraku / Junpyo / Jiahao / Hyunjoon / Minje / Takuma HANA → Chika / Jisoo / Kokona / Kokoa / Sara"
オーディション視聴歴(リアタイ) Niziプロ→マコ/リオ/ユナ/アカリ/リリア 日プ女子→琴ちゃん/つづ/こころちゃん/なご/心結 Niziプロ2→エイジ/ミラク/ユウヒ/トモヤ makemate1→ミラク/ジュンピョ/ジアハオ/ヒョンジュン/ミンジェ/タクマ HANA→chika/jisoo/kokona/kokoa/sara
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Best buddies 💕 Miracle's dance and Hyunjoon's vocals MA1 I've been supporting them from the very beginning 📣 #NouerA #Miracle #Hyunjoon" (Note: The link at the end appears to be a placeholder and may not lead to an actual image.)
Jung hyunjun fighting!!, you can definitely debut! I support you!❤❤❤❤❤