Coming soon ...
"I prefer Kim Nam-gil in roles that lean more towards comedy than serious ones. 'Infection Family' features the quirky Jung Jae-young and Jung Ga-ram, and Lee Soo-kyung is adorable. Plus, the handsome but foolish Nam-gil is irresistible. It's a zombie movie, but it's not scary at all, and the ending is tear-jerking. It might actually be a hidden gem."
キムナムギル、シリアスよりもコメディ多めの時のが好き 「感染家族」 曲者チョンジェヨン、チョンガラムも出てるし イスギョンはかわいい そして イケメンだけどむやみにアホなナムギルがたまらん ゾンビ映画だけど全然怖くないし 最後は泣けるし 実は隠れた名作なんじゃないか pic.x.com/VhDaNaJX4m
The tweet translates to: "I want past survival show participants to appear in Boipura 2. ₊˚.🪐 Makemate1 edition: Jeong Hyun-wook, Ahn Shin, Jia Hao."
The tweet translates to: "Kim Shion-kun is posting survival show content, right? Are there also people like Won Cheon-kun? Given the timing of the auditions, it wouldn't be strange if they came from MAKEMATE1, and if there are already kids with fans, I can understand the survival show content. But I ended up watching until the members were decided after Shownu-kun appeared 🤭"
キムシオンくんストーリーにスタシのサバ番あげてますけど? ウォンチョンくんとかもいたりします? オーディションの時期的にMAKEMATE1から流れて来てもおかしくないしすでにファン付いてる子がいるならサバ番も納得だけど ショヌくん出てからメンバー決まるまで見てしまった🤭
The reason I wanted to watch this was because of a still cut of Jung Jae-young. His appearance was quite short since it was a guest role, but I was satisfied with his visuals... He kind of looked like a romantic rival.
#Revolver #리볼버 #ChunDongYeong #JiChangWook #JungJae Anyway, it's a movie with Doyeon. A luxurious cast gathered for the co-starring with Doyeon. Changwook has a role that's a bit different from usual. Jungjae and ChunJaeYoung made guest appearances and were credited. If the story drags on, you'll be left behind. The ending is?? Huh? pic.x.com/mI8jq43R4z
#リボルバー #리볼버 #チョンドヨン #チチャンウク #ジョンジェ とにかくドヨン様の映画 ドヨン様との共演に集まった豪華俳優陣 チャンウクはいつもとちょっと違う役 ジョンジェとチョンジェヨンさんは友情出演でクレジットされてました ストーリーぐずぐずしていると置いてけぼり ラストは??あれ? pic.x.com/mI8jq43R4z
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm crying so much from nostalgia 😭😭 How are 06 Seungho, 07 Seungho, Yoon Dook, and Jae Yong doing? [MAKEMATE1 | 6th stage] Swallowing everything ♬ Black Mamba - Mate B Group @2ROUND | Broadcast on 240619 youtu.be/T9we47COkSg?si… - @YouTube"
"My other Korean favorite, Jung Jae-young. Maybe because his sons have grown up or due to his health not being great, he hasn't been working much lately, but he made a special appearance in 'Revolver' starring Chung Do-young, which made me feel a bit relieved... I hope he appears a bit more!!"
The tweet translates to: "#NotOkayAdults - Office Survival completed. It was a very elegant and realistic adult work drama~ 🤗 The ending was refreshing, it was really good 🍀 Thank you, Lee Sang Yeob 😊 ← The Lee Sang Yeob festival is still ongoing 🙌🏻 #Jung Jae Young #Moon So Ri #Lee Sang Yeob pic.x.com/MxReB4FHyB"
The tweet translates to: "Isn't it just too much love that Jeong Jae-young likes Nuerra's Instagram posts with such a high probability?? Can I take him to the 'too nice person' exhibition??"
The translation of the tweet is: "Yunsta 🐰❣️ Part 8 I'm suddenly wanting an MA-1 jacket instagram.com/stories/yunho2… #Yunho #Yunho #UKNOW #CHUNGYUNHO TVXQ #Tohoshinki" (Note: The hashtags and usernames are typically left untranslated as they are proper nouns.)