ジョン ジョハンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I finally caught up with Puget. All the original songs from Round 3 are so good!! I really love the Merry-Go-Round 🎠🩷 Also, every song created by Ryan Jong-nim is a masterpiece✨ I wonder if he'll make more songs for Benar~ 🥰"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I resonate so much with all the posts from everyone who has been supporting Puje, and I keep liking them♡, but I can't relate to my husband, who is the closest to me... What is this? 😞 I want to spend New Year's Eve quietly watching JO1, TXT, and Yonezu-san by myself... Thank you for your continued support of this account this year! I hope for your unwavering support next year as well... 🥺"
I remembered seeing a few posts wondering if Puje's "CLOSEYOUREYES" is a refreshing concept. I think they might also do something more intense. JO1, who is a senior in the Saba fan community, was able to do a wonderful job with this original song, which is my personal favorite at number two. So I think it's also possible for CYE to do something like this. youtu.be/l91Uc9oKI1I?si…
GOGOSINGプジェの話色々聞けて良かった!ジョンミニ ハジュンとP1から交流あった話とかも聞けたし!プジェ終わった後も 交流あったら良いね!ジョンミニ セユニ これからも応援してるよ~!✨
I'm glad I got to hear various stories about GOGOSING! I also heard about the interactions between Jongmin, Hajun, and P1! It would be great if they continue to connect even after GOGOSING! I'm still cheering for Jongmin and Seyuni from now on~! ✨
ミュス用プレイリスト約1hです 動作は確認済…ですが大丈夫かな? 何か不具合あればDM下さい💦 (📺キャストではホメス1回のみしか見れません) ホメス10回 n.SSignカズタさんソロ、プジェ、JO1さんetc… お役に立てますように✨ youtube.com/playlist?list=… #YTPLAYLIST_HOTMESS #EVNNE #HOT_MESS
Here's the translation of the tweet: "A playlist for Musu is about 1 hour long. I've confirmed that it works... but I hope it's okay? If there are any issues, please DM me 💦 (You can only watch Homess once on the cast) Homess 10 times, n.SSign Kazuta's solo, Puje, JO1, etc... I hope this helps you ✨ youtube.com/playlist?list=… #YTPLAYLIST_HOTMESS #EVNNE #HOT_MESS"
プジェの人だよね?!ライアンジョンニム!BAEのことよく見てくれてた! x.com/yuinche_320/st…
The translation of the tweet is: "It's the person from Puje, right?! Ryan Jong-nim! You've been watching BAE closely!"
The translation of the tweet is: "Who is Ryan John... I was ignorant about it!! Is that the person who appeared in 'Puge' and was crying?!"
By the way, during yesterday's dance, we did RUN from project7, and someone said, "This choreography was also in the JO1 audition, right?!" So, there was a moment when the teacher, that person, and I started dancing Tsukame together, and it was super fun, lol!
"I really didn't know anything about JO1 except for what I saw in the preview, but suddenly when the audition dance started, everyone began singing the opening theme of Anpanman, and I couldn't help but laugh. I learned something from it!"