今日も一日楽しく過ごしてね( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡サランへ~🤍🎶
今日も一日楽しく過ごしてね( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡サランへ~🤍🎶
( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡ 항상 정말 감사합니다🤍✨✨
안녕하세요 도유미님.. 일단 제가 한국어를 혼자 공부해서 제 말이 너무 어렵다면 죄송하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶은데 이해해주셨으면 좋겠습니다🤣.. 저희에게 이렇게 큰 행복을 주셔서 감사하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다 내 인생 그리고 온리비에스의 사랑을 너도 느낄 수 있었으면 좋겠어.. 너무 뿌듯하고 항상 잘하고 있어.. 얼굴이나 영상통화로 만날 수 있는 날까지 몸조심해 .. 그 기회가 왔으면 좋겠어 내 사랑을 표현하고 싶어서.. 넌 나의 빛이고 무슨 일이 있어도 항상 응원할게.. 너무 사랑해❤️❤️
안녕하세요 도유미입니다☺️
사실 요즘 제가 힘들고 힘들게 살고 있는데 당신을 보거나 이름만 들어도 제 미소가 활활 타오를거에요😁 지금까지 제 삶에 너무 많은 행복을 주신거 알아주셨으면 좋겠어요 지금 😊 그리고 그걸 알아줬으면 좋겠어.. 언젠가 얼굴이나 영상통화로 만날 수 있는 날까지 몸조심하세요🥰 너무 사랑해요❤️❤️ 너무 잘하고 있고 더 성장할 거라 믿어요 앞으로도 그리고 나는 항상 당신을 위해 거기에 있을 것입니다❣️
Hi Doyum, i hope you're doing great now.. Please don't be sick anymore because i am so worried about that.. Please take care yourself, rest well, eat well and sleep well okay😊.. Don't worry about other thing because you're doing good until now.. Even i've never had a chance to meet you or call you i hope you know there someone name "Dee" always will support you even you don't even know me😭.. I am really hope some day i can talk to you or meet you and tell you how much i love you since first day i saw you(u19) until now.. I was so devastated when now your previous group was disband and i am so happy and proud when know you're debut in other group.. Thank you so much for coming back and doesn't give up easily🙏.. You're my light, my little sunshine.. Hope you're doing good and don't work too hard.. If you think need to rest just take your time okay.. Love from Malaysia❤️
First of all, congratulations on your comeback👏.. I hope you take care, be safe and healthy, eat good food, get rest well during the promotion 😊.. I hope you can enjoy the stage more and more and interact with the fans during the stage😉😜.. I am so grateful because you do not give up your dream.. Thank you so much for being in my life and give me so much happiness Doyum-ahhh ❤️.. I hope i also can give you some happiness and energy eventhough we are far away😁.. I also hope you can get new fan and please please show your charms to them😌.. You doing great Doyum-ahhh and stop worrying about anything okay👌.. I will always support you infinity❤️ and always smile because you're so precious to me🙏.. Love from Malaysia
I hope you always take care, be healthy, be happy and always bring your bright energy during concert, promotion or not.. Please be remember that i will always be there to support you..
Coming soon ...
JUSTB 特典会 買取 【求】ドヨム 도염 ツーショット写真撮影会 【譲】買取(ご提示ください) サインと他のメンバーと交換も可能 DMまたはリプお願いします #JUSTB #저스트비
Here's the translation of the tweet: "JUSTB benefits event purchase 【Looking for】 Doyum 도염 two-shot photo session 【Offering】 Purchase (please make an offer) Signatures and exchanges with other members are also possible. Please DM or reply. #JUSTB #저스트비"
JUSTB 特典会 買取 【求】ドヨム 도염 ツーショット写真撮影会 【譲】買取(ご提示ください) サインと交換も可能 DMまたはリプお願いします #JUSTB #저스트비
Here's the translation of the tweet: "JUSTB special event purchase 【Looking for】 Doyum 도염 two-shot photo session 【Offering】 Purchase (please make an offer) Can also exchange for a signature Please DM or reply #JUSTB #저스트비"
justb 特典会 サイン会 求 ドヨム 도염 譲 買取 リプ又はdmお願いします🙇♀️ #JUSTB
The tweet translates to: "justb Special event, signing event. Looking for: Doyum. Offering: Purchase. Please reply or DM me 🙇♀️ #JUSTB"
For sale: JUSTB signed Polaroid of Doyum, 8,000 yen each. Available for hand delivery at the Tokyo and Osaka fan meetings. #JUSTB #ジャスビ #ドヨム #DY #DOYUM pic.x.com/Zl4mfaPPwv
The translation of the tweet "チョンドヨム中毒症"ありがたい is "I'm grateful for 'Chondoyom addiction syndrome'."
"May today be a fruitful day as well☆。.:*・゜ #JUSTB #저스트비 #전도염 #DY #JeonDoYum I'm supporting Jeon Do Yum! kpopjuice.com/member/justb_d… #チョンドヨム #DY #JUSTB via @KPOP_JUICE_JP"
( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡ I voted for Jung Doyum from [JUST B]! Total votes: 16,884 votes kpopjuice.com/member/justb_d… #JungDoyum #DY #JUSTB via @KPOP_JUICE_JP
It's really just an image thing, but when I compare the hardness of Just B's voices, it feels like Sunwoo >> Gonu > Bain > Jimin ≧ Siu >>>>> Doyum. Without Siu, Doyum's voice feels like it stands out too much, so I'm glad he came back (who?).
The tweet translates to: "During the second half of the Doyomu-kun YouTube live, they played a lot of JUSTB's songs 😭 The rest was mostly filled with Kuruwan's music (not that there's anything wrong with that). I really want them to come to Japan for a live performance...."
The translation of the tweet is: "These and these were able to be broadcasted, but what on earth did Chondoyum do that couldn't be broadcasted?"
"I love Chondoyom's face so much that I can forgive anything."