趣味 | カラオケ |
特技 | 楽曲制作,弾き語り |
Coming soon ...
NYLONのHANAインタビュー超良かった。一人一人の考えと思いを聞けたのも良いし、ノノガメンバーの事も話してくれて嬉しい。 KOKONA、本当に努力家で良い子なんだね。CHIKAとKAEDEの歌、実現しますように。
The NYLON interview with HANA was really great. It was nice to hear each person's thoughts and feelings, and I'm happy they talked about the NONOGA members too. KOKONA is truly a hard worker and a good kid. I hope CHIKA and KAEDE's singing dreams come true.
"Ahhhhh!!!! I'm reading the digital version, and HANA-chan, everyone is so cute!!! So cool!!! I love the styling in NYLON ❤️🔥 And in the interview, they mentioned Nonoga, and I'm like KOKONA😭 ASHA😭 KAEDE😭 FUMINO😭 KOKO😭😭 #HANA"
The tweet translates to: "[No No Girls 30 People's Sun Signs] AIKA - Libra AIKO - Virgo AKARI - Capricorn AMI - Sagittarius ASHA - Aquarius AYAMI - Aquarius CHIKA - Virgo FUKA - Leo FUMINO - Leo HIBIKI - Aquarius JEWEL - Scorpio JISOO - Virgo KAEDE - Virgo KAI - Aquarius KOHARU - Libra KOKO - Leo KOKOA - Aquarius KOKONA - Capricorn MAHINA - Aries MOMO…" (Note: The list seems to continue beyond "MOMO," but the text provided ends there.)
The tweet translates to: "Since Kaede-chan told me to, I'm going to chase after Nonoga now! (Simple otaku)"
"I'm watching the current Nono Gaku Creative Team C. I also really like the Momoka, Kaede, and Koharu team! 🥰"
It seems that I really like artists like miwa and AI. In terms of NoNoGirls, I’m talking about KAEDE, FUMINO, AIKA, CHIKA, and JEWEL. #NoNoGirls
"I think there were many kids like Fumino, Rei, and Kaede who didn't quite fit the tone and manner of Nonoga. Still, meeting friends through Nonoga and standing on stage, with each person gaining their own fans, is an incredible turning point. It's a very meaningful audition. #NonogaFinal"
The tweet translates to: "Nono's KAEDE-chan, I really thought that post hook was a great melody even from an amateur's perspective, and both her singing and dancing have powered up as a performer. I've replied multiple times. I can really feel ATS's talent."
The tweet translates to: "I'm in my thirties and I casually call NoNoGirls characters like KOKO, SAYAKA, and KAEDE 'sister,' but I've been an abnormal adult for years, calling middle schoolers 'senpai' like Fujisaki-senpai and Momochan-senpai since I became self-aware. I appreciate your understanding."
"I'm taking advantage of having tomorrow off to rewatch Nonoga #1. I'm savoring the goodness of Kaede-neechan."
The tweet translates to: "Nonoga is just a normal ghost of Kokona, Koko, and Fumino. I want to meet Kaede-nee-chan too. I really love Kaede-nee-chan so much. I keep watching the vlogs with Kaede-nee-chan in them over and over. Her big, loud voice has a lot of little sister vibes, and I adore it. The big sister vibe from Stella is irresistible, and I also loved Yuju's visuals and deep voice."
"HIBIKI-chan's confidence reached the audience! It was a wonderful voice! I really love KAEDE-chan's resilience ❤️ I wanted to do the praying mantis pose, but I felt a bit down when the lights went out. I think STELLA-chan is one of the ones whose performance changed the most, right? It makes me feel emotional thinking about how hard she worked after the NoNoGa performance. 😭"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Nonoga venue report ⑩ - Restless while waiting for Kamakiri - Everyone here has a unique low voice, so it really matches well - I think KAEDE's voice is just as unique as JEWEL or SAYAKA, and she knows how to use it - The audience is ecstatic during Kamakiri, but everyone is unsure of what to do and just cheers for now #NonogaFinal"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "① Cutie Honey: The moment YURI appeared on the monitor after it started, there was an enormous cheer, it was amazing. Anyway, everyone was just too good at singing, and I realized that in the main part of the show, there was really not even a millimeter of pitch adjustment; it was live singing. KAEDE's 'Mitsumecha Iya' and 'Honey Flash' were so good that I remember them. HIBIKI's live singing was also incredible."