VERIVERYのケヒョン、ヨンホ、ヨンスン、カンミンによる来日ファンミーティングが6月に東京で開催。各メンバーはソロ活動も行い、日本公演では特別なステージを披露する予定。チケットは4月12日よりファンクラブ先行、4月22日より一般発売。ファンはクオリティの高いパフォーマンスと4人のエネルギッシュな魅力に期待している。Fans can expect a special stage from VERIVERY members Keon, Yongho, Yongsun, and Kangmin at their fan meeting in Tokyo in June. Tickets go on sale in April.
@1 verivery トレカ 買取 譲:買取 求:カンミン トレカ なんでも求めておりますので、 トレカと金額を一緒にご連絡下さい #VERIVERY
Here's the translation of the tweet: "@1 verivery Trading Card Purchase Offering: Purchase Looking for: Kangmin Trading Card I am looking for anything, so please contact me with the trading card and the price together. #VERIVERY"
譲:画像 求:買取 交換 verivery ベリベリ グッズ 缶バッジ トレカ ドンホン ホヨン ミンチャン ケヒョン ヨノ ヨンスン カンミン pic.x.com/abfG9ce7Ij
Here's the translation of the tweet: "For sale: Images Looking for: Purchase Exchange: Verivery goods, can badges, trading cards Donhong, Hoyoung, Minchan, Kehyun, Yono, Yonsung, Kangmin pic.x.com/abfG9ce7Ij"
【For Sale】 Super large photo signed by Kangmin …Kangmin… VERIVERY 【Wanted】 13,380 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m94564163…
【For Sale】 During the sale... a super large photo signed by Kangmin... VERIVERY 【Want】 13,180 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m19831465…
【For Sale】 During the sale... a super large photo signed by Kangmin... VERIVERY 【Wanted】 13,180 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m19831465…
【For Sale】 During the sale... a super large photo signed by Kangmin... VERIVERY 【Looking for】 13,180 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m19831465…
【For Sale】 Super large photo signed by Kangmin …Kangmin…VERIVERY 【Wanted】 13,380 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m94564163…
【For Sale】 During the sale... a super large photo signed by Kangmin... VERIVERY 【Looking for】 13,180 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m19831465…
The tweet translates to: "Verivery's Kangmin is cool."
Recently, I've been really into VERIVERY's Kangmin and NouerA's Rin. I feel like I have a habit of adding more favorites every February. pic.x.com/quwsHvliBj
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Introducing a variety of signed products!!! PR Product Name: On Sale… Kangmin's handwritten signature on a super large photo… Kangmin… VERIVERY Selling Price: 13,780 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m58076876…"
The tweet translates to: "2025 FW Seoul Fashion Week Kyunghyun, Kangmin (VERIVERY) are very very cool! Receive the hearts of handsome men 💓 youtu.be/bg6D6c-XdTw?si…"
The tweet translates to: "250206 Seoul Fashion Week Blue Carpet SFW proxy photography 🔗open.kakao.com/o/sSGATLrg TXT Huening Kai, Fifty Fifty, Moon Chanel, KEP1ER Kim Chae Hyun, Huening Bahie, Ampersand One, Na Camden Brian, DRIPPIN Cha Jun Ho, Kim Dong Yoon, VERIVERY Kang Min, Gye Hyun, Daejjak Data DATA 代理撮影 (proxy photography)."