Coming soon ...
"By the way, around this time last year, after finishing EP2, I made this sheet for Kanompang (カノンパン) 🍞🥐😊. Barbiegirls and their subsequent solo songs are also amazing, and the re-evaluation from level A was also A!! After CHUANGAsia, 🍞🥐 is officially active as a crew member of the Thai dance team THEZOO! #CHUANGAsia @pateera2007 x.com/hatenanosuke2/…"
ちなみに去年の今頃EP2見終わったあとでKanompang(カノンパン)🍞🥐ちゃんのこのシート作ったなあ😊 Barbiegirlsもその後のソロ曲も最強で、レベル分けAからの再評価もAでしたね!!chuangasia後🍞🥐ちゃんは🇹🇭のダンスチームのTHEZOOの正式クルーとして活動してます! #CHUANGAsia @pateera2007 x.com/hatenanosuke2/…
On January 28th at 10 PM JP time, 8 trainees from chuangasia will appear on a news program from Thailand! TaoTao will also be appearing 🙌✨ From Japan, there will be Kodama-kun, Sichuan Stardom's Dondon, OMAR, and DORN, who was cheering for S1's Kanompang 🍞🥐! #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia #Creation Camp 2025 #CHUANGBOY… x.com/CHUANGASIA/sta…
On January 28th at 10 AM JST, 8 trainees from CHUANGASIA will appear on a news program from Thailand! TaoTao will also be participating 🙌✨ From Japan, there will be support from Kodama-kun, DonDon from Sichuan Stardom, OMAR, and DORN who has been cheering for Kanompang from S1 🍞🥐! #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia #CreationCamp2025 #CHUANG6 #CHUANGBOY… x.com/CHUANGASIA/sta…
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang (カノンパン) who appeared on CHUANG Asia was supporting in their story, so is it related to dance? 👀✨ #CHUANGAsiaSeason2 #CHUANGAsia #CreationCamp2025 #Creation6 #CHUANGBOY #CreationCamp2021 @pateera2007 pic.x.com/3kH7y3AN62 x.com/CHUANGASIA/sta…"
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang 🍞🥐, who was on Chuangasia, posted a story about WHYLUCAS, but what’s the connection? 👀 #创造营亚洲第二季 #CHUANGAsiaS2 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2025 #創6 #CHUANGBOY #創造営2021 @pateera2007 pic.x.com/LmggOOK92l x.com/CHUANGASIA/sta…"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I commented 'Wish you a Merry X'mas' on Kanompang (カノンパン) 🍞🥐-chan's 🎄 post (with the reindeer 🥐-chan eating spicy hot pot?), and she replied 'Merry X'mas' 👀✨ It seems like they are enjoying Christmas with family and at the zoo! (I also saw her mother's post, so it's heartwarming that both of them shared the same place 😊)"
The tweet translates to: "@pateera2007 Kanompang (カノンパン) 🍞🥐 has been with chuangasia for a year✨ This year, thank you for your hard work at chuangasia and the competition at The Zoo for the 4 November presentation, as well as your activities as a dance teacher✨ I will continue to support you!! Let's go! 💪 @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン pic.x.com/hVUFRVr2Qs"
The tweet translates to: "Is Kanompang-chan (カノンパン) from the Barbiegirls team celebrating PREAM-san who appeared on CHUANGAsia?! 😊✨ #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン #RISERROOKIES #pream @pateera2007 pic.x.com/DCsuTT9od3"
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang-chan (カノンパン) 🍞🥐 went to support MINDY, who was also featured in CHUANG Asia, and posted photos with Panda-chan and with MINDY's mingming and PREAW 👀✨✨ @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン #MINDY x.com/pateera2007/st…"
The tweet translates to: "It seems that Kanompang🍞🥐, who appeared on ChuangAsia, posted a story about going to see MINDY's LIVE performance👀✨✨ @MINDYOFFICIALTH @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン #MINDY pic.x.com/kL1qaoQuCJ"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "【Delivering to W1NGs✨】 Kanompang (カノンパン) 🍞🥐 and Yean-chan are doing the challenge for Gen1es' new song 'Hourglass' on chuangasia 🙌✨ Plus, there's also a glimpse of the BarbieGirls reunion?! @pateera2007 @yean_ppcy #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #Gen1es #Yean #kanompang #カノンパン pic.x.com/tq4sybosht"
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang from the Chuangasia BarbieGirls team 🍞🥐 performed an amazing routine that placed second in the international competition in Singapore, so please check it out! 👀✨✨ (The part where 🍞 is waiting for the judging is so cute 😊) Finally, we can see the performance of THE Zoo on YouTube!!! I'm so happy to see such an amazing… x.com/pateera2007/st…"
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang from the BarbieGirls team of CHUANGAsia 🍞🥐 has posted photos from the international dance competition where her group recently achieved 2nd place✨ Congratulations🎉 What a good smile, Kanompang😊✨ @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン x.com/pateera2007/st…"
The tweet translates to: "Chuangasia's Kanompang 🍞🥐-chan has sent me the T-shirt that the team was selling for this international competition, and it arrived even though I ordered it from Japan! 😭✨ They even included cards and letters from when I was at Chuangasia! (And they even wrote in Japanese!) 😭 They wrote that they will come to Japan someday!! I'm so happy and grateful... pic.x.com/ts4qddxid1"